Recent content by Civeta

  1. Civeta

    Physical Items

    I like it. With their talk about mounts, mainly horses, it would be cool to be able to pack things on the horse and an alternative, but have it limited to how good of a pack you have equiped, the strength of the horse ( which would counterbalance speed) and so on. Cool ideas
  2. Civeta


    Ok. Was not sure if that was another human player or an NPC. But if it is that answers my question. Wonder how you will obtain them Im guessing a mix between a hire system and an obtaining through quests system
  3. Civeta


    I am wondering if there are going to be any kind of "hired help" or even comrades you could pick up along the way. Would be very interesting to be able to befriend some man or woman you helped in a dire situation and they can join you for a while, until they die an awful death of course :p...
  4. Civeta

    Character Customization

    Nice man. Thanks a lot!
  5. Civeta

    I don't get this...

    I did the 40 pound donation b/c I have always dreamed of doing what they are doing. Also the 40 pound donation gets you 2 copies correct? Just a little confused. Not totally sure
  6. Civeta

    Character Customization

    First off I am very excited for this game. You have created a lot of what I have dreamed of creating. Spread this thing like wildfire to all I could lol. Got 10 of my close friends to do kickstarter. Anyways, I am a little curious about character creation and customization. Is this going to be...


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