Recent content by Saladin

  1. Saladin

    Coffee Diary 15/3/21

    >be me >look at bare mettle forums >zetheros says small but frequent updates ITS HAPPENING
  2. Saladin

    Coffee Diary 8/3/21

    scintillating stuff as always, BM. I look forward to the coming content
  3. Saladin

    Coffee Diary 22/2/21

  4. Saladin

    Coffee Diary 22/2/21

    Aristocrat, your news is well met.
  5. Saladin

    Coffee Diary 15/2/21

    My excitement for this is immense. Blessed be the Exanima content. always good to get new backend content and frontend shortly after
  6. Saladin

    Coffee Diary 31/8/20

    good to hear y'all have such a dandy workflow, given the arduous road ahead. i cant wait to see what interesting stuff comes out of the NPC system. it's probably the part of this all im most interested in.
  7. Saladin

    This game is a design mess

    I'm not gonna try to be as eloquent as the homie above me, but you disliking something doesn't make it a bad design flaw. These devs don't compromise and whether or not you like that will decide how your player experience goes.


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