Exanima Map


Yellow zones for roaming non-hostiles, and red zones for "attacking-on-sight" enemies.
Hostility is a weird thing in Exanima, an NPC that attacked "without" provocation might leave you alone if your weapon is sheated, or if you approach him carefully enough and he gets to know you.

But I do like @Hedgehog-of-Fog 's suggestion with the zones, I'll look into it.


Hostility is a weird thing in Exanima, an NPC that attacked "without" provocation might leave you alone if your weapon is sheated, or if you approach him carefully enough and he gets to know you.
Oh well, I always approach ANY and all enemies with unsheathed weapons, so I didn't know that. You can always find something knew in places you not expect.


Oh well, I always approach ANY and all enemies with unsheathed weapons, so I didn't know that. You can always find something knew in places you not expect.
Most NPCs in the first few levels aren't hostile until provoked so referring to them as "enemies" isn't very accurate.


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