
  1. J

    Inflating body psychedelic acid trip glitch (Error running sector simulation)

    Machine specifications o Windows 10 x64 o GeForce GTX 960M o Nvidia Drive 411.63 o Exanima V During the campaign, I was looting a room that has a large desk in the centre on the 4th map. Upon taking the key from said desk, a message popped up reading “Error running sector...
  2. J

    Arena Outfitting Hand and Black Viewport Graphical Glitch

    Machine specifications o Windows 10 x64 o GeForce GTX 960M o Nvidia Drive 411.63 o Exanima V I was outfitting my player-controlled character in the arena mode at the “adept” level giving him chain gauntlets, spaulders of the splint kind and plate couters all of which were of...
  3. Orlacktherof

    SOLVED [Game Breaking] GPU not recognized

    so I've been having this issue where my GPU, an AMD Radeon 275x, is not recognized by the game. This means the game ends up relying on the intel hd graphics processor which does not work for the lighting and other functions on the game often causing errors. I haven't much investigated this...
  4. Peasant135

    Layers issue.

    The issue here is not the chain coif clipping but rather the order of layers displayed in the game. I think the coif is supposed to fall freely over the chest armor rather than being tucked in under the shoulder straps like it is now.
  5. Peasant135

    Exanima-Pixels Attack

    I've been playing around with Exnaima.ini file trying to lower the graphical settings below the limit set by the in-game menu. And some imp vandering nearby wispered in my ear "Hmmm...I wonder what would happen if I lowered this setting to zero...and below!" The results are both horrifying and...


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