Cool presentation on animaton

This guy is one of the developers of the game overgrowth , which if you don't know is a ninja rabbit fighting game with lots of ragdolls and heavy use of procedural animations. Not the kind of procedural you have in sui generis but procedural none the less. He talks a good bit about the theory of movement and how he ties different frames together to make a neat animation and seeing as how this games combat is built around procedural animation it seemed kinda relevant.

He also talks a good bit about ragdolls and other various things.


new overgrowth update just came out
this this way of swapping from high detailed models to low detail models isnt often used right? the usual way is to create alot of different models and textures for the same object, its alot of work for the artists and also makes the game files quite large. so im quite impressed with the solution he have come up with. also the way characters now can reflect lights from the environment is quite cool.


this this way of swapping from high detailed models to low detail models isnt often used right?
It is fairly common and used mostly when there are limited artist resources available to created the low detail models. The reason that artist produced low poly models are often preferred is that the algorithms used to remove vertices to make the low poly models are not generally very good. This results in distant objects sometimes having strangely deformed silhouettes. What it looks like David Rosen has done here is vastly improved on those algorithms so that low detail models can be generated without too much mesh deformation.


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