Movement Possiblities


Right now, combat is a finesse game. Real combat has this be much the same way, and this mirrors it fairly well. Except that the granularity precision you get in this combat is roughly at the level of being incredibly drunk. Skill matters you say? Sure! The swordfight between two wasted master swordsmen will be very different than the one between two oafs, but it is still.. a bit lacking.

One major issue is that the game babies us. You can only move in a very specific controlled way. Even your more extreme lunges can only be a slightly exaggerated step, this seems even worse when the granularity of combat is reduced because of the long zoom away from models.

There are a few ways to defeat or reduce this effect.

1: Simply speed up movement.

This has the major issue of potentially disrupting the delicate balance of speed and motion that exists.

2: Add more movement choices. Better coordinate those choices with swings.

For example, as follows:

WSAD: Movement forward, back, left and right

Double-tap: Exaggerated step.

Double tap, hold second press: Character prepares for a lunge then takes a particularly extreme motion depending upon timing. Upon release, character moves with speed depending upon timing of release, high speed can allow for some reckless motion if timed well/poorly.

Hold Right Click while moving: Character jumps recklessly in that direction. Interruptions can easily cause dangerous falls.

All of these benefit from an increase in damage from environment-based collisions. As it stands now, slamming into a wall or the ground does nothing, but this likely shouldn't be the case.

Many other possibilities exist here, not just those I have considered. That said, it is easily possible to expand range of motion in this game while staying true to its core principles.


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