Posting Weekly Updates

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You know what. I'm starting to think it might of been smart to add a "More Updates" stretch goal. If they got say £300,000 they'd have enough to do everything they want and plenty more to pay someone to market the game.


That's just offensive, JtW, and you missed the point entirely. Clearly, you haven't even kept up with the updates and information that BM has already shared with us.


Way to miss the point like a champ JtW. I'm not certain why you felt the need to post what you just did now either? The question as to why it hasn't been more public videos have been answered several times, with very reasonable answers! Try to put yourself in the dev's shoes for christ sake. I'm amazed about how people just refuse to understand, like they wan't to argue or something. Search around the forum a little man, look for the posts regarding this.

There is a general bad attitude about your entire post JtW (Except the last sentence), and posts like this just creates a foul mood on the forums. I don't see why you are trying to create that? People on this forum are generally friendly towards each other, even when arguing.


Project Lead
That was me asking nicely. These forums aren't here so you can troll and insult the developers, we're here to make a game, not engage in purposefully stubborn and inflammatory arguments.

We're not going to tolerate any more of this sort of behaviour on these forums.
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