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  1. MindSliver

    We were all learners once... aka. Post Your n00b Mistakes

    i cant believe I'm getting involved in this but... i gotta say that virtually every single group that studies historical swordsman ship would agree with Shalen smith that a long sword is designed for and used with 2 hands. No 1 handed sword would be called a long sword. 1 handed swords never...
  2. MindSliver

    Character wigging out and falling when I swing.

    Actually no... oddly enough I took all his equipment off to give to another recruit (since I couldn't use him) and since then he seems to be working fine.
  3. MindSliver

    Character wigging out and falling when I swing.

    version 6.4.3 I've been playing in the practice arena mostly but today when I got on to the actual campaign arena and started a fray, every time I would swing my weapon (well... maybe not every time) my character would do some weird exploding mesh thing, drop his weapon and fall over.
  4. MindSliver

    Character falling.

    Does yours wig out a big before falling? Since the update my Arena character seems to twack out, drop his weapon and either fall or fling himself across the arena. Practice mode seems to still work normally though.
  5. MindSliver

    Historical techniques and Exanima

    If I were you I might just keep num-lock off and map keys directly to ten key pad. 8 being up, 5 being down etc..., gives you a lot of keys right around your arrows at least.
  6. MindSliver


    I think the darkness isn't inaccurate. I once went caving and even though everyone had headlamps on I remember thinking that it seemed sooooooo much darker than anything I'd ever experienced. Where if something wasn't in the direct path of the light then it completely disappeared. It's very...
  7. MindSliver

    What have you done with the swordman...

    I think I see the reason that your swordsman seems more aggressive than others. If you notice early in your video you are throwing a lot of attacks from out of range as well as while moving backwards without actually threatening your opponent. Whenever you move back the opponent will move...
  8. MindSliver

    About the parry mechanic:

    I think I'm still just a little lost on the argument you're making XD You complain about dodging being more effective than parrying... well... yeah! In fencing (historical not modern) we always say your best defense is distance. Why on earth would I want to parry if I can just step outside of...
  9. MindSliver

    About the parry mechanic:

    What I mean by on/off parry mechanic is that in games like chivalry, war of the roses and mount and blade, if you see someone attack and perform the appropriate parry you are 100% guaranteed to be safe. I haven't played a huge amount of chivalry but I have put some 900 hours into war of the...
  10. MindSliver

    About the parry mechanic:

    Don't get me wrong, I've had a few situations where I've seen an attack coming (in Exanima) and done everything I should have done to properly parry and still been mashed in the face. It happens. But I think it's more the exception than the rule. Usually it's the system pointing out that we may...
  11. MindSliver

    About the parry mechanic:

    Believe it or not, chamber blocking in Exanima is one of my "go-to's" especially against a good strong right->left attack from my opponent. I find that if I face them directly and allow the parry animation to move my sword into the correct position, then just before it connects I start a quick...
  12. MindSliver

    Sad update...

    Calm yourself Achul haha. If it's any consolation when you get knocked out, you take some red damage even through armor, you hit the ground and everything goes black... When you wake up... more often than not the guy that just bludgeoned you is still hanging around and by the time you can...
  13. MindSliver

    Getting knocked out/unconscious

    Yeah I find the extreme slowness of getting up vexing as well... just yesterday I started a new character. I went through the first 2 levels without taking but maybe a fingernail width sliver of red damage. An almost perfect game until that point. Then I squared off with a normal zombie like the...
  14. MindSliver

    Food and effects on physique

    See I disagree that food shouldn't heal you... Think about how functional medicine works. Say you were stabbed. What do they do for you? They clean the wound to make sure it doesn't get infected. They sew up the flesh and bandage it to prevent it from bleeding and hold the pieces together.... So...
  15. MindSliver

    So Then Blue Eyed Golem...

    I just chopped away at his left thigh with my zweihander. Easy peasy jap-a-neasy.
  16. MindSliver

    The Arena Challenges !

    This was such a fun idea. I gave the viking challenge a try though I'll confess I never much liked axes... so I thought I'd try a new challenge for myself. I call it the i.33 challenge. basically sword and buckler with no shirt/armor. took me a couple tries to get through the novice but the...
  17. MindSliver

    Question - Exanima

    My only regret with my purchase of Exanima was that I discovered it too late to throw down for Sui Generis. This is mitigated though, knowing that when SG does come out, the money I spend on it will be worth every penny and be going to devs that deserve it.
  18. MindSliver

    I can't be the only one...

    I find that I fight very differently in the campaign than I do in the arena. In the arena you deal with thinking planning opponents and you have to try and get around or through them. In the campaign the zombies basically don't block at all which totally changes the game. You just have to focus...
  19. MindSliver

    Help with level 5? (spoilers, obviously)

    I hope it helps, check some of the other recent threads and you'll see people talking about the same golem issues as well as methods for overcoming them in legitimate combat.
  20. MindSliver


    the mace seems to appear around the lightening room, or in one of the chests in the rooms behind the 3 ribbon door. well if not in level 5, where does it appear? I've searched all of level 4 as well. surely they wouldn't appear in the earlier levels?


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