Recent content by Smileyface97

  1. Smileyface97

    Running improvements and combat controls

    The running looks better, but could still use some work, the character feels weightless and her arms limp despite being in a running cycle. Just some constructive criticism for later when you're ready to refine further. Also may I take this time to express how much I love the music that is...
  2. Smileyface97

    Concerning Combat Recovery

    All I really want from the above suggestion is a since of skill and urgency to come into the otherwise stunned and set stance of falling down. I want to feel like I'm in control of my character. Instead of yelling at her for staggering to her feat while a sword is already half way to her neck, I...
  3. Smileyface97

    Concerning Combat Recovery

    Just to verify, I am only talking about the knocked down combat you discuss in your second paragraph and not when already standing. I agree that rolling around the field a-la Legend of Zelda or Dark Souls would be a little off in this game. The idea of ground attacks is really interesting...
  4. Smileyface97

    Concerning Combat Recovery

    I don't know, I think that crawling may be more useful than that. For example if a large slow enemy knocks you down, then proceeds to attack again, the immediate standing action is only going to proceed to (as you mentioned) knock you down again. When crawling I'm not talking about hands and...
  5. Smileyface97

    Concerning Combat Recovery

    After watching all of the videos, and understanding that animations and many other things are placeholders and/or incomplete, I found myself curious about one thing in particular; the recovery. When the characters get knocked down, they fall into a ragdoll (sort of) effect and then immediately...


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