A question for Mr. Madoc.


Hello, I hope I don't go out on a limb here by asking you personally a question. But I think some people are wondering about this. I at least know of one person I talked about this project who wondered about the same thing:

For one person to be able to program a complete development envoirment and a game that runs on it in just a year is a feat that compares to works of really smart prodigies in both our opinions. Me beeing a humble c# developer and him beeing a c++ developer that is. To be honest, you are the first we know who accomplished such a thing alone without beeing "known" as a lead programer for some international software company... We both started learning programming about 3 years ago and we are not even close to be as good as developing a game or anything comparable to that.

So we were wondering when did you start to learn programing and did you by yourself or in a company?


It would be cool to know the answer to this, as I am personally greatly inspired by Madoc and began teaching myself C++ this morning as a result, but have already encountered problems.


Yup, I too would love to know details on this. It almost sounds too good to be true, but I'm trying to maintain my faith... besides I pledged quite a fair amount. =P

But I can't help but remember those games such as The Secret World which promise *so much* and market a ridiculous amount, saying that their product is unique and amazing, but in the end the product isn't amazing - had some nice qualities, but I wouldn't have played it past the taster I had in beta phase.


Madoc said he taught himself to program and he didn't read any books. He said he did subscribe to a mailing list for algorithms which helped.


I really like the Idea of having such an independent dev for such a great game idea! :)

Really looking forward to this game.


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