Animals+Animal nature/Pulling and pushing

Ok, im sure the title is a little weird but I will try to clarify.

starting off, I saw where the devs mentioned some stuff about animals but said he didn't want stuff like aggressive wolf packs,(I guess meaning not random skyrim wolfs attacking) but I was wondering if animals, like say a wolf pack were added with similar characteristics of the real beast.

EX: a wolf pack of say, 6 wolfs that "own" a large peace of territory. each day they patrol around its borders and it would be near impossible for players to know when and where they are going to be. the animals, like the real ones, would only be "aggressive" (attacking unprovoked) at certain times, say once or twice a week they go hunting.

like the real animals they should be intelligent, never attacking if the risk to the pack as a whole is too great. so almost never attacking multiple targets (only attack you if you are alone) and if one or more of them takes too much damage, or one is killed, they all retreat.

and for the second part, its a little weird and I'm uneasy on it
i think that the animals attack style should mimic the real ones to. meaning dogs don't just bite, they grab and pull their prey down and then bite at its neck. so i think, if it is possible, to make that how the kill you. some will "grab" and slow you down, try and yank you around and others would bite.

now you could also make grabbing and pushing into combat (humans now) by reaching out, and if the hand lands (no weapon or shield in it) you can try and mess with the opponents movement for a split second (i don't want WWE stuff or "manhandling") it would be easy to break the hold and risky to even try it, but imagine an unarmed thug grab you from the back as his friend tries to stab you.


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