Arena Pass Time, Skip Day?


@diamok No one here thinks you want to cheat the game. Or at least I don't. It's just that you described a function with only benefits and zero downsides, and that leaves nothing to other people to say other than either saying it's a bad function, or fill out all the blanks you left. That's kind of lazy on your part, or at least uncreative since you started this thread.

I opted to try and pry for information in hope that you had thoughts on this on your own since you obviously have experience and could share insight. I haven't played as a "gladiator owner" yet, so maybe i don't have the same perspective as you


Thanks for calling me lazy, that's nice.

As for opting to "pry" information, you must have missed my other posts, or rather, skip over them so you could have a war with Tyon.

You also completely ignored jdnvodka post, which stated "There will be healers in the arena soon, and I think resting was touched on my Madoc too."

It basically looks like my original post, gave you a soup box to discuss a point you wanted to make...for that, you are welcome.

Again and in any case, I am moving on, as my question was answered.


You realize i mentioned the doctor before jdnvodka?

And Tyon didn't make any attempt at explaining what the downside of the "pass time" mechanic, so no, no "war". Just at the time unanswered questions. If anything I was helping your soap box facilitation.

My question wasn't really hard to answer either, I don't see how I'm wrong calling you lazy in the context I did. Heck I'll call you a hypocrite aswell now for accusing me of not reading comments when you clearly didn't read mine



It's all good Murf.

What you are miss Nacho is, this is my thread, it was posted for the reason of asking a question, which non of the posts within it, including yours, addressed. Oh sure, many of them touch on the passage of time, but most of the "information" is hypothesized, which really holds no water. Beyond that, you essential accused me of wanting to cheat to have the store "refresh", which is not how I enjoy a game.

Yes, I also realize people want to express their feelings, thoughts and so forth. Yes, I have absolutely no control over what others post, as well as knowing I do not "own" this thread and many times threads evolve beyond their original intent. But common forum courtesy implies, if someone were to respond to a thread, they would reference the initial post of said thread, not use the contained contents to advance their own agenda, thoughts, opinions or motives.

With all of that said, the most helpful posts were Tyons original about beds. Which though it seems obvious, being the beds are already in game, it backs up thoughts many may have.

Next would be Clanfs, which totally negates your "debate" with Tyon. Being paying to rent a room could preserve balancing issues.

I apologize for any accusations I may have put upon you as well...

Murf or another Mod, you may close/lock this thread if desired.


Can you counter argue or explain how it doesn't? The entire point of the rest button isto save time not having to do a bunch of pugilism matches before you can go back to doing the matches you want to
Because you're not getting any XP or money, so you're not progressing. When you do a pugilism match, you get some XP and a small sum of money, which means you are progressing. I'm not sure if I can simplify this any further so I apologize. The entire point of the resting mechanic is indeed to replace having to do pugilism matches because it just makes more sense and is more convenient for the player and doesn't sacrifice any actual difficulty. You can already just enter a low-cost match and then exit out, which is basically like a resting function, so I think there should be an official way to skip having to fight a day without making it seem like you're exploiting the game.


I think I just assumed that had to be more to it than just replacing pugalism, so I couldn't wrap my ahead around what you were trying to say and looked for a point that weren't there.

It really would be more convenient. It would even make more sense from a realism perspective. Though the realism argument can be spun to justify a lot of nonsense hoho. My problem with it is that I can't see it justified from a game design perspective as is. Doing a high-risk fight suddently has no reprocussions afterwards, and half the point of red damage is gone out the window, and you get to only play the fights you want. Unless ofcourse there's high tax on the convenince. I think that if you're less afraid of bladed opponents then some of the danger and excitement goes away, and if you get to refresh the rooster willy nilly then there's no point in the rooster

Not saying I'm against between-match healing. I just had high expectations for details surrounding it


I'm also against using "realism" as a form of justifying something, I hoped to differentiate from that by saying it makes more sense from a practical standpoint.

I never really thought about how it would impact the fun and excitement of the arena. Personally, getting struck by a sharp or really heavy weapon and being given a hefty amount of red damage in itself already excites me, since the devs have done such a good job of making it seem like you can actually feel hits that you land and take. And maybe the resting mechanic could be balanced by having neither the roster, nor the shop refresh. However, that would be artificial so I'm not quite sure.


I don't think there will be any kind of resting mechanic.

As for the healer, all he will do is make your guys recover quicker. No insta-heals.


You can already just enter a low-cost match and then exit out, which is basically like a resting function, so I think there should be an official way to skip having to fight a day without making it seem like you're exploiting the game.
That's a good point. That "rest" function already exists. So adding the option of resting for the minimal price would actually be interface change, not gameplay change.

And it would also be used when your have your character(s) low on health and there is no pugilism match available.


That's a good point. That "rest" function already exists. So adding the option of resting for the minimal price would actually be interface change, not gameplay change.

And it would also be used when your have your character(s) low on health and there is no pugilism match available.
IMO that sounds like it is taking away some of the challenge of the game. If there are no pugil matches for you to join, you can take your chance and fight in one of the others. Or since it doesn't matter if you are broke, join a fight and then forfeit. It resets the battle board and go from there. Honestly don't see any need for some kind of 'rest' mechanic, esp since there is going to be a healing hireling that when utilized gives ya more health recovery between battles.


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