Axe in Inept Arena

I think the axe shouldn't be in Inept arena.

Of all the inept weapons, sharp cleaver included. I've never seen any more powerful weapon.
I've been hurt so much by it, I feel it's more suited for Aspiring arena, instead of Inept.

Then again, maybe I just suck at the game, very much possible.


I think the axe shouldn't be in Inept arena.

Of all the inept weapons, sharp cleaver included. I've never seen any more powerful weapon.
I've been hurt so much by it, I feel it's more suited for Aspiring arena, instead of Inept.

Then again, maybe I just suck at the game, very much possible.
Puny hatchet is no match for long stick
Axe as the hatchet? The hatchet is useless puny weapon.
You sure your using it right? the balance on that little darn thing makes it possible for me to two shot people with it. In the inept arena atleast. hell anyone with no serious padding atleast
Axe as the hatchet? The hatchet is useless puny weapon.
A useless puny weapon capable of draw cuts. Which still take a chunk of your hard HP.

some weapons are capable of oneshoting people, but *all* weapons are capable of 2 shotting everyone but big guys.
That's not the problem. The problem is two shot with hard damage.
Of all the weapons, the hatchet just keep damaging me, with little to no force.
Like all top-heavy weapons, it needs to just nudge you to do damage. It can even do draw cuts, I've yet to see even the best swords do that.


That's not the problem. The problem is two shot with hard damage.
Of all the weapons, the hatchet just keep damaging me, with little to no force.
Like all top-heavy weapons, it needs to just nudge you to do damage. It can even do draw cuts, I've yet to see even the best swords do that.
Last time I played inept, which was few patches before hatchet was useles to fight with or against, maybe it has changed, but i never take that weapon seriously. Cleaver tho...


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