Camera Control Issue


I've found a quirk with camera control when the Player Character(PC) is on the ground. I've done a bit of testing to try and pin-point exactly what's going on. I used the monster on lvl 4 to test, but I've experienced this problem with other combatants and after regaining consciousness. I have not tested this in Arena mode.

The issue is that using space-bar to move the camera when on the ground doesn't work. If you try to "drag" the camera with space-bar, the camera will only vibrate in the direction the PC is facing. If you try to "swing" the camera by tapping space-bar, the cursor will teleport to the center of the camera's direction. It is very disorienting as the cursor keeps teleporting away and the camera never moves.

Middle-Mouse works while on the ground. You can drag the camera, but if you hit or hold space-bar, the camera and cursor will quickly swing and teleport to the direction the PC is facing.

tl:dr: You can not use space-bar to move the camera while the PC is on the ground.

I hope this helps, cheers


Space bar is only really used when wanting to focus on say, an object. It isnt/shouldnt be used for travelling or combat, so I don't see how it is a problem in the first place. But still good pointing it out, as it was probably not intended this way.


Space bar is only really used when wanting to focus on say, an object. It isnt/shouldnt be used for travelling or combat, so I don't see how it is a problem in the first place.
Space-bar works exactly like middle-mouse, except you can move the camera in the direction of the cursor by tapping the space-bar and, as of right now, it doesn't work while the PC is on the ground. I find it easier to use than middle-mouse, although I do use mm as well. Why do you say it shouldn't be used for traveling or combat?


Space-bar works exactly like middle-mouse, except you can move the camera in the direction of the cursor by tapping the space-bar and, as of right now, it doesn't work while the PC is on the ground. I find it easier to use than middle-mouse, although I do use mm as well. Why do you say it shouldn't be used for traveling or combat?
The feature was developed to use it for focusing on objects, Madoc and most of the hardened Exanima folk from the Discord agree on this, and refrain from using it, they only use MMB for combat and travelling. I used it combat pretty much all the time but now resorted to completely unbinding it.


they only use MMB for combat and travelling. I used it combat pretty much all the time but now resorted to completely unbinding it.
Why choose the MMB over space-bar for combat? I mean what's the advantage of the MMB over the space-bar in your view? Is there a subtle difference I'm not aware of?

When walking straight, or when exploring, while dragging the camera with SB, the cursor will move with the camera, whereas it will stay in place (relative to the PC) with MMB. However, during combat when you are strafing and using MMB, the cursor will strafe with the PC. Dragging the camera with MMB also requires a lot of mouse movement, ie. sliding the mouse, picking it up to reset mouse position, and sliding it again.

I use SB almost exclusively in combat. I think it's the better option because it lets you keep your fingers on LMB and RMB, and you can move the camera by tapping SB and not move the cursor. So if you're strafing around the enemy, you can keep the cursor on the enemy, tap SB, and keep the cursor in place allowing you to strafe around the enemy. You still have to reset the mouse to stay on the enemy, but you don't have to reset it many additional times to keep moving the camera.

Now, from reading the forums and watching videos, it seems a lot of players tend not to move the camera too much and use the RMB to move. I move the camera a lot, maybe it's noobish, but that's how I play. I also use WASD for movement. Only if fleeing combat, or when sprinting (not running), do I use RMB. Maybe It's my play style that shapes my opinion on this.

EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention was SB allows the PC to follow the cursor around corners or whatever, when moving with RMB. Another benefit SB has over MMB.

I'm really interested to read your take on these mechanics. In the meantime, I'll give the MMB another try in combat.


Anyway.. It remains that there is a bug with manipulating the camera with space-bar when the character is on the ground. I hope this minor bug is fixed in the next patch.


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