Character Turn Speed Sensitivity Slider


I'm a little late to the party for this one. I haven't played Exanima in a while. Within the last few patches, the swing cap was unlocked a little further, allowing for much wider swings than before. This is a good change considering it allows a greater range of motion for all weapons. However, while it's advantageous for some weapons to swing for the hills, other weapons require precise and delicate mouse movement that I find that I simply can't provide without turning mouse sensitivity down extremely low.

I believe it would be smart for there to be a slider accessible in the options menu that could allow one to increase or decrease their character's turn sensitivity, without affecting the sensitivity of their cursor. This would allow an even greater measure of control over one's movement without jeopardizing cursor speed.


But then you would have to keep changing it acording to the weapon. I think this is more of a balancing issue with the weapons that are harder to use with no tradeoff/benefits.


If anything needs to change, which I do not currently believe it does - my only suggestion is have the character turn (following cursor) head-first, or, top-down. So, head, followed by shoulders and torso, followed by legs/feet correcting the foot position after turning. That's how I look and turn around in reality, head first.

I have not studied the in-game motions hard enough to say whether or not this is already the case, but I think that the character moves arms and weapon first? Correct me if i'm wrong, please.


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