Easter Eggs

So, maybe it's nonsensical to create a thread about a topic that by its definition should be kept secret, but I'm wondering what the official take is on easter eggs.

Do the devs intend to include any? Or do they feel that they would be immersion breaking and would detract from the otherwise dark and grim play experience? What does the community think?

Also, can we think of any we'd like to see in-game? References to games that inspired SG come to mind. Or perhaps something from the forums?


If put in, they should probably have an unlock mechanism so that they aren't in the standard game by default, otherwise it would be immersion-breaking.

Perhaps a hidden easter egg could be that some NPCs randomly wear Sui Generis T-shirts? Perhaps unlocked by editting a config file somewhere?

I quite liked the subtlety of the easter egg in Sacred 2 where some of the gravestones had writing on them that meant something - an in-joke or reference to someone or something. That was pretty cool.
I quite liked the subtlety of the easter egg in Sacred 2 where some of the gravestones had writing on them that meant something - an in-joke or reference to someone or something. That was pretty cool.
Never played that but it does remind me of the gravestones in Divine Divinity. Not really Easter Eggs, just some comical writings on those gravestones :p


I'm all for easter eggs. Personally I don't really think it breaks immersion that much, but it also depends on what type of easter eggs are includes.
They could include something that first the general theme of SG.

An ancient sword, which inscription talks about the god of the world, which name is Madoc, and how he and his followers created the world "insert universe name here" in 3years...

Pretty much anything that is a reference to the Devs, or something special here in the forum would be nice, and they could tie it into the lore somehow to not break immersion.


I like the idea of Easter Eggs in games, as long as they're appropriate within the context of the game. I mean, there's the Minecraft easter egg in Skyrim (Notched Pickaxe), which still looks like a regular pickaxe. If it didn't however, and looked like a Minecraft one instead, it would've ruined a bit of the game for me.

Gravestones sound like a neat idea, some references and jokes are definitely possibly within that as well as in books. You could find the travelling diary of a nomad, who vaguely describes a land from another game that inspired Bare Mettle to make SG. I think if we're going to have NPCs, they'd have to be very subtle references, either in appearance, role or dialogue. Perhaps a quest where, upon completion, the quest giver tells you to scurry off because he has to bring out his dead for collection, but after exploring you find that the only other inhabitant is an old bumbling man who can't stop dozing off every few moments (This would be in reference to Monty Python and The Holy Grail).


a nice easter egg would be finding porky somewhere in a cave thats hard to get to, would be kind of a fun bossfight

Don Kanaille

Im all for subtle Easter Eggs. They dont even have to be a reference to anything outside the world.

How about something like this; there is an old, dead tree and if you swing a heavy weapon at it chances are branches fall of and knock your character down; or an owl flys from a hole in the tree.

Or there is this grumpy old man in a village which yells at kids all day, but if you get him drunk he starts telling dirty limmericks.

Something you would usually not find out during regular play, but could discover by accident... or by fooling around.
Those could be quite fun to find and you´d feel accomplished that you discovered this small detail while the immersion stays completely intact.


that idea about the dead tree gave me an good idea that would fit this physic engine quite good, when you sit under the right tree and at the right spot an apple will fall on your head.
and if youre in the right village and the time is right then you can see a nude man run out of his bathtub and out in the streets shouting random words.

Meaghan Ballard

I'm all for easter eggs, subtle or not :p
Though I agree that anything that isn't subtle should need to be unlocked by finishing at least your first play through. That would add to replayability as well.


I guess it would be cool if we found a Lord of the Rings book in a library, but whatever feels right for BM.


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