Effectively glued to the floor.


Lately I've been having an issue with combining movement and attacks. From a complete stand-still or just after a slight step backwards, I try to swing and step or dash forward for an attack, only to not move. The body leans forward with the momentum and the weapon swings, but the feet do not leave the floor and remain effectively glued to that very spot until I stop everything and pause for a moment, and then am I able to move again.

For all intents and purposes, it appears that the character is trying to move, but is shackled to the floor by some means. I have not been able to replicate this with any degree of success. It always happens during an attempt to combine forward movement with an attack, with or without the prior back-step, but repeating the action itself doesn't always produce the same result.

If there is some way to prevent this, I'd like to know.


Well the game uses a complex dynamic system of "muscles" like pistons i think, and few or no pre-made animations - I'm actually surprised I haven't ran into more bugs like this one before :p

Don Kanaille

Are you sure it is not simply caused by your character´s inertia? If you just have taken a lunge back, your character needs a second to stop and reverse his momentum if you want to dash forward right after that. But if this also happens when you´re standing still, I have no explanation other than a bug.


I'm sure. If I dash backwards, I'll have trouble moving forward until I come to a proper stop. But I can take a step back and still be able to dash forward, usually. Sometimes though, it just seems like I've been glued to the floor, and for no other visible reason other than to ensure an otherwise sound attack fails.


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