For those of you on the fence


I'd just like to post a few of my thoughts after spending nearly a year lurking, following development and just recently contributing to Sui Generis.

I've become rather weary of kickstarter and crowdfunded projects over the last couple years as have many of us. It's not that they don't meet expectations or because any that I backed have failed... I simply have been overloaded and bombarded by half finished would be gems. So going into Sui Generis I was already weary, and beyond that, the game itself seemed nearly too good to be true. While the initial tech demo video was impressive and immediately landed Sui Generis on my radar, it also made my inner skeptic raise an eyebrow. A small studio creating a game using all in-house technology which aimed at doing something no one else has accompished fully yet?

So I quietly watched and waited...and waited....and waited....

Lets face it, I was starting to question if development was moving forward at all. There seemed to be so little in terms of news or progress reports showing up. I would ritually open the forum up each day, hoping and dying for some little bread crumb of information. As the plans for the combat demo and prelude began to take shape my vigor was renewed but I still couldn't quite take the plunge given the eerie silence that seemed to engulf the development process after each cautious update from Bare Mettle.

Fast forward to the present... Just like a good little dedicated lurker I continued to check the site and forums each day. Only now, I had come to expect the silence... no longer did I feel that small disappointment of finding nothing. I no longer brought the game up to my friends because they had long sense dismissed the game. I had accepted the fact that I couldn't chance contributing given the information at hand. That is when something magical happened!

Alright, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but who of us here didn't read the interview with @Madoc and not feel like a child on his/her birthday? His passion for this project came through in that interview bright as the midday sun. The interview also opened a flow of information that finally broke the dam, rushing me towards contributing.

Here I sit, newly adorned with the "Insider" tag which those of you lurking out there, as I did, will shrug off thinking you have no interest in that and continue to wait quietly in the shadows of indecision. Let me tell you that contributing and gaining access to the deeper development process has not only been incredibly exciting but it has also wiped away any fears I had regarding the game, the team, or the technology.

The work being done on this game is truly "next gen" unlike that term's namesakes. The development team has a clear desire to see this project succeed and the clear talent to back it up. Probably the biggest surprise I have come across is the level of personal, one on one interaction that Bare Mettle puts into the private forum. They are actively listening and discussing suggestions/changes/bugs. The dialog being created is positive, constructive and only adding to my excitement. I've quickly come to appreciate what they are trying to accomplish by using this carefully constructed haven of dedicated people to help direct their game rather than a flood of random, unpredictable users in an open forum. It has helped me understand why that silence, while troubling, needs to exist at least for the short term.

I haven't wrote all of this in an attempt to make you start throwing your credit cards at the screen. I simply want to give a personal perspective on the project and to assure you that regardless if you contribute early or buy the game on release... you will NOT be disappointed in what you find.
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Well said! I always have that feeling about backing kickstarters. I sit there for a couple hours after reading about the project thinking what a cool idea it is and what it's going to become, only to argue with myself about the cost above and beyond the what it takes just to get the game to get into the alpha.

After watching the game play footage, I decided to jump in. Initially I was doubtful whether I'd like the game after playing it, there is a steep learning curve as far as combat is concerned. If I can't figure out how to play within several hours of testing, how am I going to enjoy this? I can definitely say after giving it a couple days, this game excites the hell out of me! There is nothing like this out there or has even come close in concept or execution in my 30+ yrs of gaming. Sure the role playing has been done before, but never like this.

Well played Bare Mettle!
So true Aethan. But in a weird way, I feel as though I more supporting the passion of the artists to make something revolutionary than the success of the game..although I am supporting both!! Its just, suddenly after playing the recent Exanima update and seeing the intricacies the devs and composer beautiful integrate into this growing masterpiece, I realize this is a project with heart. Something almost impossible to find these days. I can't help but think This is going to be big.
So true Aethan. But in a weird way, I feel as though I am more supporting the passion of the artists to make something revolutionary than the success of the game..although I am supporting both!! Its just, suddenly after playing the recent Exanima update and seeing the intricacies the devs and composer beautiful integrate into this growing masterpiece, I realize this is a project with heart. Something almost impossible to find these days. I can't help but think This is going to be big.
I have followed this project from a distance since its inception. Though intrigued by the original Kickstarter pitch I am, admittedly, not someone who could be termed a true believer. Part of that is down to my skeptical and jaded nature. At the same time, I feel that, at some level, Bare Mettle has failed to communicate on how they were going to transform their vision into a coherent game.

Regardless, I have kept an eye on Sui Generis' development from afar. The muted attention to the project is due almost entirely to the dearth of development information beyond the occasional official statement. I recognize that the Insider's Forum, to which I am nor privy, may contain far more information. However, since I am undecided I would like greater visibility into this project's development prior to providing financial support.

While I understand Bare Mettle's desire to keep tight control over development both in terms of process and information flow, it is up to them as developers, who are self-publishing a game, to provide publicity and compelling information regarding Sui Generis.

Speaking for myself, for the time being, I will stay on the fence, thanks.


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