Getting knocked out/unconscious

Hi, everyone.

I`ve been playing the game for a little while and I`m amazed with it and, especially, the developing team`s attention and dedication. I`ve read a few threads and would like to contribute with some ideas and toughts, as hearing others opinions about the matter at hand.

But what`s the matter? Well, it came to my mind when I was engaging Sir. As it was expected I was knocked unconscious a number of times and, when it happens, your screen will turn black and you will "wake up" after some time has passed, or so it seems.

The inconvenient thing about this is that, once you wake up, your character takes a little while to get back up on his feet. In the meantime, any creature nearby will run towards you and kick your ass while you are trying to get up, just so you get knocked out again.

That happened to me many times while fighting Sir. My life bar would deplete and I would pass out, only to wake up and be smashed unconscious by Sir, again. That sequence would happen 3 or 4 times until the red bar would fill up and kill me permanently.

I understand it`s a logical process that a creature nearby will see you getting up again and would try to kill you asap. It makes total sense. But you are exposed and defenseless while getting back to you feet and it is too slow. So, in the end, what happens is that if I get knocked unconscious one time I gotta watch the same process happens 3 or 4 more times before I can be sure of my death. Of course, I can always exit and continue the game again... but, in my opinion, the mechanics/process of getting back up could be improved. I also realize they are working on it, I`ve read a few things about rolling up when you are laying on the floor, but I would like to leave my impression about the matter and hear what you guys have to say about it!

Thank you very much for you time.


An easy way to avoid some of these frustrating situations, could be to allow the player to decide when to stand up after being knocked unconscious. So basically everything would work exactly like it does now, but you could just 'play dead' until the enemies have left.


An easy way to avoid some of these frustrating situations, could be to allow the player to decide when to stand up after being knocked unconscious. So basically everything would work exactly like it does now, but you could just 'play dead' until the enemies have left.
I would like that too, but thing is if undead is really angry with you or you closed yourself with it in 1 room it wot go away, you will be waiting for it to leave and it will be standing there eyeing your body.

If Im not mistaken there are more consequences planned like enemies killing you while you are kod or dragging you somewhere.


Yeah I find the extreme slowness of getting up vexing as well... just yesterday I started a new character. I went through the first 2 levels without taking but maybe a fingernail width sliver of red damage. An almost perfect game until that point. Then I squared off with a normal zombie like the 30 others I'd already slain (sometimes 2-3 at a time) he didn't even have a real weapon, just a wooden table leg... Well he swung and missed so I lunged in and chopped his knee but for some reason he was able to score an after hit that landed with fantastic force right on the side of my head (the first significant hit I'd received in quite a while) which instantly took 2/3rds of my health into the red and knocked me down... well once I hit the floor he ran to use the little boys room real quick and just as I was managing to struggle to my feet he showed up again and whacked me in the back of the head sending me straight back to the canvas... and blackness enveloped me.

I woke up some time later, laying on my face, head still reeling from the bludgeoning I had no option to avoid or escape. I look around and my attacker had been baby sitting me the entire time, apparently not wanting to waste his efforts on someone that couldn't feel the pain of their own death. I raised my groggy head and saw him instantly recognize the opportunity for more head smashy fun. he ran over to me and as I struggled through the laborious process of become upright he calmly broke out his picnic basket and made himself a sandwich... just as he took his last bite he realized I was up right once again but hadn't yet regained control of my body so he promptly whacked me in the back of the noggin a third time extinguishing my once proud life force for good.

I just sat there in my chair, watching the "you're dead" screen rotating around my bloody head for 2-3 minutes as I repeated, "well I'll be a son of a bitch" over and over XD.
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Sideways rolls would help a lot, indeed. But i think they wouldn`t be so effective if getting up continues to be that slow. You would roll and the enemy would catch up with you while you were trying to get up, I think. The problem, in my opinion, resides heavily on "issues with unnecessary slow startup times for animations", as Phantasm said.

And enemies dragging you up somewhere else while you were unconscious would be very nice, indeed. Waking up in a cell or another part of the dungeon would be very intriguing.


I speed the process up by removing my armor, turning away from my killer, squat down and await the inevitable head shot.

Quickest way to my save point.


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