How much closer to finished?


I havent tried the new content in the main game yet but from the description it is (one) enormous new level - level 5. Is it still intended to be 10 levels in total?

On a separate topic the engine changes are imo fantastic - how can Bare Mettle keep on iterating things so well? The combination of animations, footwork, weapon swings and especially the close in zoom have really upped the combat for me to the point that I actually feel quite good at it (I might have actually got a little better too). I think that not only have they boosted play from a player control perspective but I sense that the AI has benefited too. It feels so great when the AI just shimmies away from your killer blow leaving you with that heart in mouth feeling of being wide open for their next strike. The closer zoom makes it even more intense. The nuance also feels so good such as the changes to movement armour makes - I can 'feel' it in the control.

I wonder if it can be improved any more? I did notice that running characters still look a little bit 'floaty' but its a minor thing


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