Rules of Engagement


So this has been on my mind for a while and I have a question about it. There has been mention of the game having a system of individuals caring about their life as a real person would and just to be blunt this idea is awesome and if it works is going to add massive realism. However I was wondering on how the devs get it to work in the first place. Knowing a little bit about coding and such I know that it involves a lot of maths (well I mean, if you build it that way I guess). In my head I believe they may be building it in a sense of averages, by this I mean basing someone's physical attributes and even possibly worn gear such as weaponry and armour, off a numbers in order to work through a formula and end up at a result that is possibly kept on a table by the responding NPC, enemy or creature.

For an example say the player is a good build, tall, large muscles and maybe even facial scars that could add on as sort of fear inducing effect (Lets say this adds up to the number 10). In addition to this he is wearing heavy plate armour and carrying a massive great sword (add on another 20). Now adding these two together we get 30 and there could be other things that could add onto this such as what the player is doing, how the responding party is feeling that day, his/her/it's personality etc; those are simply my own thoughts and ideas there. With this 30 we put that into the responding parties table of responses and lets just say he/she/it has aggressive intentions off the bat so it looks for an average in that department and it goes through a lot of something along the line of:

0-5: Attack with fear of being harmed
6-10: Attack regularly
11-15: Attack with caution
16-20: Attack on opportunity (such as blocking until the player stumbles or runs out of stamina)
21-over: run

Now because the responding partie's table tells it that if anything surpasses 21, it must run, therefore He/She/It runs. Obviously the table, the attributes and so on I used for this are very simple and would probably be a hell of a lot more in depths when this is being built but this is just my idea of how I think it's being made.

The only reason i'm saying this is because I have no idea how this stuff works and I hadn't the slighest idea of where to look if there was already a discussion on this and if there is already one, I apologise, but if it I would love to discuss this with others :D


Here is the actual formula that they use written in commodore 64 assembly language.

1 *=$0801
2 .byte $0c, $08, $0a, $00, $9e, $20
3 .byte $34, $30, $39, $36, $00, $00
4 .byte $00
5 *=$1000
6 ldx #$000
7 loop lda message,x
8 and #$3f
9 sta $0400,x -> 1024
10 inx
11 cpx #$0c
12 bne loop
13 rts
14 message
15 .text "Run Away!"

As you can see, it is pretty complex.


That's an interesting idea, but I think it'd be lame if you got all the gear and experience and no one will face you except for an Ogre or the like.

I'd like to see it though


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