Sheathing Interaction Mechanics?


The devs have said that there would be some type of sheathing and unsheathing system within the game (though I'm not sure to what degree). I am interested in the possibility of unsheathing your weapon being useful in more than just comabt. Maybe during dialogue with a trader you decide to rob them, unsheathing your weapon at that time would dramatically change the coversation and how the NPC responds. Maybe you're in a bar, and a local patron is getting a little too drunk for you so you decide to knock some sense into him. This is relatively minor but I do feel that it adds a higher degree of interactivity to the game and a player's decisions.


I'd really like to be able to still equip weapons and offhand weapons, but have them hanging off your body instead of in your hands. I get that from a physics point having working scabbards for most weapons could cause a number of issues, but there are alternate ways to let the character sheathe weapons.

It would not only be a nice detail that helps with immersion, but could also be a crucial aspect of NPC interaction when you consider the complex AI system running in the back-end that analysis player behavior to determine intentions.


There's this fun Oblivion mod which makes guards follow you around when your weapon is unsheathed and which also makes NPCs get progressively angrier the more you swing a sword near them while they are not in combat.

For more fun, add stealth penalties for unsheathed weapons, or enemies that only attack you if you have your weapon ready, as they see you as a threat.


I think it would a lot less complicated to have the weapon dissapear or reapear on your body like when swapping weapons, instead of having the weapons hang in your belt (or on your back (dont shoot me)). I don't know if it actually would kill immersion for me. I think the interaction and purpose behind the mechanic is more important than actual realism, even in regards to immersion


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