so the... Troll


I finally played the 4th level today and oh my god ... the atmosphere is ingenious ... It's sooo creepy ... Especially when you meet the troll-demon-something ...

So I ran into the troll and finally died the first time after a Checkpoint ... Glad to find out that you keep all your stuff as soon as you checked in ... really glad because I had 3 healing jars ... not that I need them with getting non-lethal damage all the time ...

And well after that I went in again ... And at one point I heard him fighting against a skeletton through a wall but couldn't (and didn't want to) find out where he is ... After the noise stopped I continued exploring ... No troll anywhere ... It was creepy in its own way when you expect the fellar to appear any moment ... Especially with the creepy music in the 4th level ... ... ...

But he wasn't there ... And I was even prepared and had mapped out the way to lure him into the trapdoor ... But still ... no troll ... then I finally found him ...

Stucked in a toilet ... ... ...

Somehow the skeletton must have lured him in there and he can't get out anymore ... Not that I am ungladful not having to risk my life/savestat ... but ... its kind of an anticlimax ...


It's anticlimactic if you think of him as a boss. Which, he is not. He's just a guy trying to survive just like you. Doesn't help his case he's dumb. Why can't people just get it in their head that the enemies are just there in the world. They are not there for you to kill, they just are. Needless to say Madoc isn't going to let us just pummel him in the closet forever. But trapping him places will always be an option.

This isn't the easiest way to deal with him, drop him in the pit, though that won't work forever either.


It's anticlimactic if you think of him as a boss. Which, he is not. He's just a guy trying to survive just like you. Doesn't help his case he's dumb. Why can't people just get it in their head that the enemies are just there in the world. They are not there for you to kill, they just are. Needless to say Madoc isn't going to let us just pummel him in the closet forever. But trapping him places will always be an option.

This isn't the easiest way to deal with him, drop him in the pit, though that won't work forever either.
He's the ONLY enemy in the game that can pummel me in the ground easily. There is no other enemy yet that is even near his thread-level ... Of course he is something like the "boss" of this stage ... He has even a deliberatly put trap-door to lure him in ... Design-wise he is the "boss" ... And he is there to kill you ... He might even got the guy who conveniently lets all his scrolls lying around ... xD

And I really hope that the guy atleast learns how to open well ... opened doors ... Even if I wanted I would have a hard time getting him out of there because as soon as he wants to go out he pushs the door back ...

Well ... I hope for future updates ... It wouldn't even bother me if the Npcs do not have a specific push or pull animation (the player hasn't one either) ... Just being able to push or pull any kind of door that isn't closed in the right direction would be a big improvement ... At the moment it's just luck if they trap themselve or not ... But enough of my personal Exanima-Achilles-Heel ...


The trap door is to kill yourself to let you do lvl 4 over and over. Killing him with it I believe was actually an unforeseen side effect.


I finally got to that level yesterday, and at the time I didn't even realise the game had checkpoints so when that thing was charging at me, I just panicked and started sprinting around unexplored areas of the map, which results in about 6 skeletons chasing after me, which made me panic even more because I hadn't even fought any of those brass skeleton at that stage, so eventually I got trapped in a small room against them, needless to say I died pathetically, close quarter group fight doesn't work at all.. for the side with 1 person..


I finally managed to kill that mother ****er, after a dozen or more deaths. First I tried my "withdraw, then lunge-swing from distance" tactic, which in 'Sir' 's case failed miserably (pummeled to death). Then I went Chuikov on his ass, but that also failed because somehow he would find enough room, while we were both stumbling into each other, to knock me down once, and after that it's all downhill (dead in 2, 3 hits, tops).

Then, a couple of minutes ago, I tried the cheesy 'lure the bugger into toilet' routine. It worked, and even though he DID manage to somehow find room in there to swing at me couple of times, I finally sliced the bastard to bits. With that Terminus Est-like two-hander.

But, that's not the truly awesome part.

The truly awesome part was that, while we were at each other's throats four skellies came by and they went in, first a single one, then three more. I positioned the demon's body right smack in the middle of the toilet-room, thus depraving the remaining skeletons of that little maneuvering space... and then, we went at it with two-handed weapons, mostly. I've lost around 5% permanent health by the time it was all over.

...oh, and I *might* have hit 'Sir' 's spine a few couple hundred times when it was all over. Just in case. Not like I hold a grudge, honestly.



I just panicked and started sprinting around unexplored areas of the map, which results in about 6 skeletons chasing after me, which made me panic even more because I hadn't even fought any of those brass skeleton at that stage, so eventually I got trapped in a small room against them, needless to say I died pathetically, close quarter group fight doesn't work at all.. for the side with 1 person..
I had to laugh. I do this a lot. The worst bit is you just end up feeling twice as bad because of the pathetic death.

Sometimes it's better to face the inevitable head-on. At least this way you can die like a proper adventurer instead of spreadeagled in some toilet.

My worst death was after the only time I managed to beat Sir by conventional means. We were in the room near the portal with four pillars. I spent maybe thirty minutes running around those pillars avoiding him, recharging stamina, getting the odd swing in when I could. Even though it was more luck than skill I was so happy when he finally went down.

A skeleton murdered me while I was busy dancing around the room celebrating (in RL, not Exanima). Senseless.


A friend went with a triumphant approach. I was waiting for the demon to ram throught the chairs and cleave his face but I guess he got lucky.


His pathfinding is going to greatly improve, He shouldn't just stand there at anytime in the future. Looks like he might just be standing there. I hope ideas like this are effective in the future, but I wouldn't expect them to be great moving forward.

murder mink

Gotta say, I shat a minor brick when I encountered it. Reading about it, then hearing it scream and then it started running at me from the dark like a freaking meat tank. It's been ages since I got that feeling of the D1 Butcher. The atmosphere is top notch. The fight was disappointingly short though, guess he got nerfed...


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