SUI: Game or Game Engine?

only been looking at this project for about 10 minutes but it seems the heart & vision of it is a game engine rather a game. & for success, am guessing u need the same vision that went into the engine to go into a game. and then some more to go into the money-making side of it. imo anyway

love the technology though


Just because they have good technology doesn't mean they don't have a game.

My tip, instead of looking at it for 10 min and then create a new thread, read up some more :)
10 minutes is plenty of time to get a feel for something. movie trailer's are barely 3

but heh, if observations aren't welcome no worries. i won't make any more


Don't get offended. I simply meant that there is a great load of information here about the game. Read some or watch the other public videos and you'll probably see what it's all about :)


10 minutes is plenty of time to get a feel for something. movie trailer's are barely 3

but heh, if observations aren't welcome no worries. i won't make any more
You are correct about 10 minutes being enough time to get a feel for something. However, 10 minutes is not enough time to become informed about something. Getting a "feel" is a first impression while being informed means you've done some research and know some facts. It is much easier to have a meaningful discussion once you've done a bit of research instead of just speculating and guessing about things based upon a first impression.

You are welcome to post on these forums and share your observations. As Komuflage suggested, doing a bit of research on Sui Generis will allow for more in-depth discussions and observations ;)


Observations are welcome, but your opinion that SG is just technology is completely unfounded. I've been interested in SG since its Kickstarter days, and ALL the articles they have there convey a lot more than that. Also, SG is not a movie, so don't expect to "get a feel" of it in under 10 minutes.


Also, SG is not a movie, so don't expect to "get a feel" of it in under 10 minutes.
Ofc u can "get a feel for it" in under 10 min, no matter if it's a game or a movie.
I watched the Pitch and was hocked.
I watched a 8min vid of cubeworld and it was enough to get me hooked and inform me what the game was about.

Thing is first impressions are important, very important and I understand that a lot of people think sui generis is more game engine than game after just watching the pitch vid.

However, my original point was that there is no point in asking "is this good/bad" because the answers you'll get is either "It's the best" (by fanboys) or "it sucks" (by haters) it's a much better idea to read up on the game and get your own opinion. Else it's easy to get deceived.


The pitch video only represents a fragment of SG, so no, I don't agree that 10 minutes of "research" is always enough to get a proper image of what a game/movie/whatever, is about.


The pitch video only represents a fragment of SG, so no, I don't agree that 10 minutes of "research" is always enough to get a proper image of what a game/movie/whatever, is about.
But there is a difference between a proper image, and "getting a feel".

For instance, the pitch tells us(me) that sg is an isometric action rpg, with focus on combat. (hence the 'action') The combat is physic driven, and based on realistic collisions instead of stats. The game has advanced AIs and fluid, yet skilful combat, and some truly great tech to back this up. However the pitch tells nothing about the story.

So the picture I get of SG from just watching the pitch, is that it'll feature some amazing combat experiences, with some great details to enhance the experience. To me, that's enough to get me hooked.
I always preferred challenging games with great combat systems over more story oriented games. (This is for instance why Demon's is my favourite game of all time) That's not to say I don't enjoy a good story. But the story is only exiting the first time you experience it, while a good combat system can last for thousands of hours.

Also, to be honest, I kind of like the "you're an unknown hero, there's an evil villain, you've to defeat him to save the world" storys seen in games like the Souls games, Super mario and Zelda.

Anyway, I can understand why some people get a bit sceptical after watching the pitch.
It shows some very interesting tech, but the general gamer isn't interested in that stuff, hence the pitch, would've been better as a dev video.

Does "feel" starting to sound strange to anyone :eek:


Actually, the pitch wasn't what sold SG to me, but intrigued me enough to read the articles, and then I was definitely hooked.

Anyway, my point was that IancsDavid's "observation" is unfair and discredits SG.


only been looking at this project for about 10 minutes but it seems the heart & vision of it is a game engine rather a game.
I can see where you're coming from, but as others have said above, I think you'd feel differently if you looked at Sui Generis a bit deeper.

I think the heart & vision of it is a game engine and a game.

Bare Mettle have been very up-front from the start that "all" they can show us at this stage is something with awesome potential, not a finished product.

You can't make a game without a game engine. And there are tons of developers out there that have great vision for a game, rush to create it, use an existing game engine to do so, and the game ends up being much like so many others in the same genre. This is very often disappointing.

It's clear that BM have got great vision for a game, but have been ambitious enough to realize that there isn't a game engine out there that's good enough to meet their very high standards for it. Furthermore, they've been innovative, skilled and talented enough to attempt to create their own engine from scratch, with the aim of meeting all of their objectives and really pushing the boundaries of modern gaming, really taking advantage of modern computing capabilities.

I'm really glad that BM have stuck to their guns and persisted to focus on ensuring that the underlying engine is of the highest quality, rather than rushing to create an inferior game. I have no doubt that BM have the ability to turn Sui Generis into a fantastic game, and thoroughly understand why they haven't spent all their time on the actual game to date.

Engine aside, the premise for the game, the setting, the mechanics, and BM's realistic-but-fun philosophy are all absolutely fantastic. I have faith that they will really deliver when it becomes timely, and am patiently looking forward to the alpha!!!


If you want to get a quick overview of what the game aspects of Sui Generis will be like I suggest taking a loot at the About section of the site. It goes over the basics of the major aspects of SG.

If you're still not satisfied then there's plenty of forum posts and announcements with information.


I'll be perfectly honest, as a guy who's a roleplayer and VERY heavy modder of another (badly-antiquated, horribly-coded) system: if ALL it was turned out to be a kick-ass engine with powerful "instancing" tools...I'd be thrilled. Because right now, most of the engines out there are ancient, decrepit, terribad, or all three (yeah, you piece of software that can't handle ARRAYS, I'm looking at YOU). I think introducing engine aspects first was ABSOLUTELY the right way to go, and can't wait to see what story they hang on top of it.


First 10 minute are very important since thats when you decide if you want to research more or leave so yeah I think the pitch video could have been more about sui generis awesome story system. You only really get the hang of the story system if you read all the update and spend an 1 hour or 2 on the forum. but you cant blame the guy I hade the same impression as him after 30 minutes of research


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