Switching Weapons&Inventory


The new mechanic, for switching weapons, isn't explained aside from a button prompt in the control screen (from what I've seen). So, I'd like to make an inquiry as to how to set it up. There doesn't seem to be a secondary inventory option in the manage-fighter screen; but I have seen such options when opening the inventory in combat.

Maybe this is a personal bug, but my fighters don't seem to bring anything put into their inventory in the manage-fighter section into combat. I'll open the inventory, to perhaps set up the load-out for both primary and secondary sets once in a fight and the equipment is not there.

So I suppose my two questions are how do we set up both load outs for a character; and is the inventory issue normal?


I know, but I don't see it in the equipment screen where you would manage skills and load outs. And, for some reason placing items in the inventory slot in the equipment screen doesn't carry the items into the matches.


I don't think I can help, I haven't attempted to use it during a match yet, though I have a loadout set up ready..

Hope someone solves your issue soon!


I'm curious to see the intention with weapon swapping in the arena. As of now there isn't a way to set up your weapon load out for your fighters. However, you can pick up a weapon during a match like "elimination" and swap throughout each round. Currently that's the extent of arena weapon swapping.
There currently is not any way whatsoever to equip a "secondary" weapon set to any of your arena loadouts. You must pick up a weapon after entering the arena. There isn't anything I can consult to know more about this changing or anything, so, just hope that they do add something.

I'm curious to see the intention with weapon swapping in the arena. As of now there isn't a way to set up your weapon load out for your fighters. However, you can pick up a weapon during a match like "elimination" and swap throughout each round. Currently that's the extent of arena weapon swapping.
It does find it's use sometimes. Say, you've been using an axe or something heavy, but then the next opponent has a shield or something and you need something light and fast.


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