The beast tier level?


So far in my arena the beast is minimum novice level, I had 2 master level characters when the patch was released. Is novice the lowest tier level? Is it adjusted to our character levels?

It's killed three of my characters, one expert the other two adept (cry cry). That bloody massive swing arc throws me across the arena, I have yet to kill it. Last night my main character got knockout, ~30% red, then the beast missed my remaining npc and smashed my body, 100% red, clicked exit and was back in the start screen menu, luckily my character was not dead. Is it such that once you reach master you cannot die?

Can the beast always be available to fight, I have to wait a few matches for my characters to regain health but I could hire more people, I so wanna kill that damn thing, I must avenge my comrades!!!


Just because the novice ogre is the first beast you can fight doesn't mean you should.
Novice means minimal head gear, equates to one-shot death to the head at any time.

Actually the master beast is the easiest to kill. Everyone wears plate and the beast wields a sword that will only do impact damage against plate.


Just because the novice ogre is the first beast you can fight doesn't mean you should.
Novice means minimal head gear, equates to one-shot death to the head at any time.

Actually the master beast is the easiest to kill. Everyone wears plate and the beast wields a sword that will only do impact damage against plate.
The master ogre does not wield a sword but a massive mace. Also just wanted to point out that master ranked ogres were previously broken but they were fixed in one of the recent patches so they are now considerably more dangerous/difficult to defeat.

@winterline yes, the novice is the lowest ranked ogre and it is not adjusted to your character level (random beast matches appear on the board just like all other matches are randomized). You can die when you're master ranked but the chances of doing so are usually much lower since you can wear more armor during master ranked matches.


The puritan in me only has this to say: Put "beast" in the title of this thread, as it's too unspecific.
Makes sure people who may be interested in the arena beast can find your thread, and those interested in the general question of what might be the "best tier" know to look further.


My main character died (stupid me), started over, so far the beast only appears for novice tier, no issue, was just wondering about it, I'll kill it eventually!!

@Gozer, yes I agree, the more armor the greater chance of survivability, however I don't have enough gold to hire expert NPC's, eventually I'll have a few, will take some time.

@Tony, thanks for the info :)

@Vngvald, ...


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