Message in "Plot"?


Project Lead
Physics based sex? And this game is 100% real time...

Honestly it's not something we've ever given serious thought to.

Elderly people is something that we hope to have. Our physique system allows using any number of morph targets to be used for a body shape and we could also play with the physics here.


Physics based sex? And this game is 100% real time...

Honestly it's not something we've ever given serious thought to.
That'd be very interesting experience! :D

So, no killing children, no sexual assault/abuse/consensual sex. Nudity? Partial (upper torso) or full (including physics based genitalia and breasts movements)? Panties/bras for ladies, loincloths for gents? Under armor clothes? Just how close to real-world Sui Generis is supposed to be? If you ever thought about such details, of course.

Yay for elderly people! I really love this idea.

Romantic relationship? Mentions of casual sex? Anything except killing stuff, taking loot, trading things and fighting evil guys?

I'm sorry for coming out too strong, this is not an interrogation and of course you're free to disregard my inquiries, but I'm so excited about this game I can't stop asking you about everything!


I don't really think there is need for any kind of nudity.
Sui Generis aims to be realistic, but that doesn't mean it needs to add EVERYTHING :p

I love the Witcher games and yes, they have nudity and sex, but it felt to me like it was tacked on to show how "adult" the game is supposed to be, it just didn't feel like anything that needed to be there.


Pantheon, I think nudity can be really cumbersome if there is also underwear. Managing so many layers of clothes can really be a pain in the ass. But on the other hand I'm not okay with the way underwear is in Skyrim. Too classy and chic.:)

However it's just minor details that won't make a bad game good or a good game bad. I'm simply curious.;)


We wouldn't want our game to be preachy but I do think it would cool if it was possible convey the pain and suffering that cruel actions can cause. In practice I don't think that would be easy to do but we don't intend to reward the player for being cruel. Killing people shouldn't just be funny or inconsequential.
That's excellent. It really seems like a natural extension of the idea that choices will have real consequences (it also weirdly echoes some of the stuff I'm currently working on). The last point especially - some games encourage you to be evil or a moral vaccum, but there are those people who are disturbingly into going into any game and killing everything. I'm thinking especially of people I used to know at school, and that was long before the vogue of putting moral choices into games.


If we would have a degenerated world in our hands, so it is more likely to see loss of (sexual) innocence in some levels, since world would be unsparing, unforgiving and mean. You can also see 'them' on many utopic films especially whose plot favors a post-apocalyptic theme.

Also since gruesomeness will be implemented in a later time, i think perversion in some ways could fit well in this wild nature of SG, without overused needless to say.

Personally as Madoc said, and since SG shall be a realistic game, it wouldn't be "un-necessary" to see this kind of explicitness whether it would be sex-inducing, living truth - killable children, cannibalism, etc.

In-short: Playing an evil character should not be restricted regardless of anything. Seeing things with "cakes and ale" mind would not be smart move.

Edit: Hope devs won't live any problem if SG would ever be ranked as a ADULTS ONLY rating ?
This is turning into quite the conversation! I agree with BrecMadak for the most part. There should always be the option of being evil with no explicit limits. However, implicit limits are totally different. If there is an option for doing an evil act then it should be possible to pursue it, but if we want to limit evilness so that we don't have to deal with killing children, rape, etc. it shouldn't even be a possibility.

Also, I think it is very possible to convey evilness and cruel themes without gratuitous display of sex and violence. Suggestion is much more effective. Take horror movies or thrillers, they rarely actually show very disturbing things, they use suggestion which is more powerful.

I think the easiest way to do this would be through dialogue. It might be more difficult if there is no voice ating but either way could be effective.


When you say 'abuse' do you mean murdering them or are there going to be sexual assaults (in general, not considering child issue at all)? Will there be sex? If yes how depicted will it be? I probably come as a really perverted and sick person, but honestly it's not that I want these things to happen, I just want to clarify them and to understand what kind of world we're talking about in Sui Generis and what kind of limitations we will have.

I'm okay with not having children in game (after all it's only logical if you want everybody be killable and don't want to raise 'kill a child' issue, I think it's more honest to not have them at all than to make them immortal), but what about elderly people?
If Bare Mettle blatantly says "No children", then I can assure you that there will be no sex. I'm guessing Bare Mettle is aiming for a "T" rating.


Although I agree with the concept of allowing people to play evil characters, allowing such examples as have been mentioned here would turn away a large player base. Call me a prude, but I for one wouldn't even want to own the game at that point. These kinds of things are entirely unnecessary, even if you are working toward the goal of make a game as "realistic" and "open ended" as possible. There are plenty of ways to be evil without killing children, raping people, or resorting to cannibalism.


Project Lead
We're certainly not planning to introduce any of these things. My comment on the rating was basically a joke and the point was that we're not targeting any specific rating. We're definitely not trying to push any censorship boundaries. Inevitably it will feature relatively graphic violence and being able to kill anyone is just part of the game unless you break the whole physics and realism aspect of it.


If Bare Mettle blatantly says "No children", then I can assure you that there will be no sex. I'm guessing Bare Mettle is aiming for a "T" rating.
But, but! But if there are no children therefore there was no sex therefore there shouldn't be elderly people because they would be younger people's parents and as there was no sex then it's impossible. Or are younger people found in cabbage at the age of say, 18? I'm joking, of course.

However Bare Mettle will have to think about Sui Generis rating sooner or later, and I just want to help by defining the limitations for further use. So, no children=no killing them, no sex=lower rating. What about nudity? Showing nipples on females' breasts will up the rating tremendously even without sex. People will try to undress their toons the first thing they are in game; it's just human nature (I will try to do so too, just because). With physics the engine has will underclothes be a texture (therefore unmoving whatever you do) or will it be like armor? A layer that we can remove and put on. It's a serious issue for, say, younger part of Sui Generis' possible auditory. People love when there is this level of nudity, at least bare breasts, it's what makes a game more mature in their opinion (a little bit off-base if you ask me, but still). However if we're talking about bare upper torso then it'd be only logical to give an option to remove panties/loincloths. Going halfway while positioning SG as a low fantasy game won't work. So I suggest for lower rating go for no nudity, or if you don't care about lower rating - full. Though it can easily be an issue if you're going to make a playable multiplayer (not only LAN), because there will be people who will be offended if someone they play with suddenly removes their character's clothes ant starts to run around naked.

Another issue I'm curious about - did you think about animating breasts movement when characters are wearing clothes (not heavy/stiffing armor). Like Tera Online did. Well, not quite like that game of course, what they did with females' breasts was quite unrealistic, but still. If you're talking about revolutionary physics considering muscles movements why not make breasts move too. It looks really natural when done right.

Nope, I'm not a pervert (well okay, maybe a little bit). ;) I just want to set limitations.


This is interesting! I think that allowing the player to rape and kill an entire family is rather uneccessary. I don't really see what allowing that kind of sadistic behavior adds to the game, if someone really wants to role play that perhaps they should go see a shrink. However, medieval life was often nasty, brutish and short. I wouldn't be opposes to some horrendous acts taking place in the story, I'm sure the writing team could deal with the issue well.

Cannibalism is a different beast. You're miles underground, starving and your faithful companion just gave up his life to save yours. I mean he probably wouldn't care if you just nibbled on a thigh, it'd probably be much tastier than that ogre you just dispatched. Just hope nobody catches you or finds the body...

In short, please don't exclude anything that could make a good story just because it's really evil. Just don't let the player commit senseless evil, I don't see how that could add to the story.

As for boobs, just no metal bras as an armor choice. I mean I love titties, but that's just silly!


Speaking of cannibalism which I am highly for I can see a wide and varied range of uses, most of which brings along the lines of opening a barber shop and an inn at the same time.


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