Recent content by GrizzlyAdamz

  1. GrizzlyAdamz

    Iron key? What am I missing? (solved)

    Ack, found it in the starting guide- double-clicking the key while it's in the inventory gives a reticle. Thanks for the reply!
  2. GrizzlyAdamz

    Iron key? What am I missing? (solved)

    I've managed to clear out all of the dungeon I can access, but I don't know where to go. Found the iron key, but it doesn't seem to do anything to locked doors, and that iron gate is impassable. Don't suppose anyone could throw me a friendly tip? (and is there a health pot equivalent soon?)
  3. GrizzlyAdamz

    The Exanima Videos & Screenshots Thread

    @Parco Folgore Thank you! It's also pretty good on file size :D -e Hmm, it seems to lose a lot of contrast. Gamma doesn't really fix it. Any pro tips? - Found a fix. Set it to record in full range under advanced, everything gets nice and dark.
  4. GrizzlyAdamz

    The Exanima Videos & Screenshots Thread

    @burgzaza But I'm poor and limited to 30s clips. :( Biggest problem with that is it likes to cut out at just the wrong moment.
  5. GrizzlyAdamz

    The Exanima Videos & Screenshots Thread

    I'm having problems recording this. Once I exit the menu, it only seems to record a small circle around the mouse. Both 'activepresenter' and 'screencast-o-matic' did this. This a game-specific issue or is there a setting on the programs to account for it?


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