Recent content by Mr_FauxPas

  1. M

    Pillars of Eternity

    I've enjoyed IceWind Dale for the ambiance (probably because I was young and impressionable) , PlaneScape Torment for storytelling, but Pillar's... haven't played it, but I doubt I'll play it. It doesn't seem innovative in any sense, another "Save the world" kind of game - with improved Infinity...
  2. M

    Exanima gaining traction!

    I understand where are you coming from Madoc, but @Valok and @-Tim- have a point. With the imminent release a lot more people will have access to this game. Some of them will be pretty... 'negative' towards your game, and might have a malicious intent. You are right to point out lies and stuff...
  3. M

    Exanima Combat Movement Changes

    @Murf My mistake in expression - the 'stat' word was not to be put there. By using 'skills' though I meant exactly the thing as in about section . Let's just change 'stat' word to 'story' or 'dynamic story'...
  4. M

    Exanima Combat Movement Changes

    The suggestions below (which were probably mentioned earlier) try to make better use of shift and (maybe) caps-lock buttons. 1) WASD makes you dash, WASD+Shift makes you step. (This conflicts with running during the non-combat mode. But then dashes will be probably used more often than steps...
  5. M

    Exanima Combat Movement Changes

    It is kind of easier now, for me at least. The diagonal dashes enable some new manoeuvres, or at leasts it makes them easier. The constant dashing makes the combat feel more fast-paced. I kind of like it, but then as opposed to ZaratanCho I kind of suck at combat. Before I had a hard time...


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