Height/Weight Advantages


I will list my currently understood advantages for height and weight.

-Longer Reach
-Longer Steps
-Higher Crouch Height (less a difference than you would think though).
-Harder to knock down (height prevents enemy leverage)
-Easier to knock self down (Height creates less balance, longer steps allow more extreme failure).

Short: Exact opposite of Tall in every way.
Note: Tall seems to generally have the advantage here, but here are some aspects that matter more than they seem.
-Shield Coverage easier/ Less vulnerable area when blocking.
-Lower Crouch height makes you hit the ground more when crouching. This adds many complications to using crouch.
-The Advantages of tall are not as extreme in practice as you might think.
-Slightly less mass, as might matter in some exchanges.

Fat: I am unable to determine exact differences of fat/muscle. Muscle seems to actually help with swing speed slightly, but be less massive. I cannot determine this with certainty yet though. Only what is certain is listed.
-Shorter Steps
-Larger Hitbox
-Significant Mass increase, resulting in
--More Powerful Throws
--More Difficulty Being Knocked Down
--Being carried less by the mass of your own weapon, resulting in
----Less ability to 'lunge' based off your weapon's momentum
----More resistance to being pushed, and a better ability to redirect your weapon.

Thin: The opposite of fat. Some notable aspects:
-Less mass relative to weapon allows for more extreme manuvers.
--Results in much greater ability to knock self over or put self in an unbalanced position.

Further information would be appreciated, this is what I know so far.


There's two types of fat as well. Top heavy (top of slider) and bottom heavy (bottom slider).

Top heavy has more torque/swing power, but is really wobbly and unbalanced.
Bottom heavy is stable, but slower.

I made some vids of a max fat drunken fighter with a maul, who bowls people over but always trips over himself. He pancakes the final expert boss into the wall on most runs. I'll probably post them soon.


I tried to play a short character recently and the most noteworthy outcome yet is that there has been plenty of cases where enemies send me flying away.
Shit's crazy


I like playing shorties sometimes, the buckler works better with them, and they don't trip as much.
I like playing shorties sometimes, the buckler works better with them, and they don't trip as much.
Yeah my main style of play is short 1-hander with shield. I can dart around the enemy with ease, landing hits while I'm right next to them as they're swinging and blocking. While in the campaign I use the meat cleavers (at least as far as I've gotten, still haven't beat it) and try to stay near my enemies. If I ever back away I can land a right swing while moving towards them quite often, sometimes following up with a second swing from the left. I hope to see daggers and such implemented at some point soon. Maybe claws like in Path of Exile.

I can't do tall 2-handers because I feel too slow and open for a hit whenever I swing, also it's weird being so far away to land a clean blow, when an enemy is too near I feel compelled to just back away until I'm ready to swing again.


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