bann appeal

  1. Carlwarior

    bann appeal number 4

    here i will be awnsering your previous things and maybe accusations you said about me lad Hope 01/25/2021 Reason: General trolling, causing far too many problems in #exanima chat, unwilling or not able to maintain a conversion without pissing off half the active server. i was not trolling...
  2. Carlwarior

    bann appeal number 3

    you guys confirmed that i was not responsible of the alt accounts, you literaly blamed me without evidence and told me that i was banned for some other reason that I KNOW i was banned for not landing a joke about the damn steamkey and you dennied my requests, i demmand awnsers. you are...
  3. Carlwarior

    bann appeal

    MEE6 BOT 01/25/2021 You got banned from Bare Mettle by Hope#7806 reason: Unspecified\ u was not told why i was banned and it is unfair


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