A few questions .

Hello, this is my first post and I really enjoy the little I've seen of the game so far. I expect great things from this game.

But I have some questions to start off with. (I know all of these must get annoying but please bear with me)

Outside of the force push move, I'm calling it that for now due to lack of a better word, what do you have planned for powers? I would personally love to see things such as summons , mind control and shape shifting.

Do you have anything planned for different kinds of weapons? If so will there be differen't animations (EX a mace makes slower, wider attacks and a one handed sword doing quick and short swings) and will be able to things like trip or grab an enemy?

Outside of the parry do you have any other defensive moves such as a dodge, jump or roll?

Does your engine support destructible items and objects? For example, hitting a wall hard enough will cause it to crack or break.

Is how much damage a character can sustain built on a healthbar like system or does it do something similar to overgrow, that when I last checked, when a character get's hurt he can go on until part of his skeleton breaks.

And last of all do you have a certain price in mind?


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