Arena suggestions


Decided to make a new thread to make it clearer (specialy as i don't get how to rename the previous one adding "suggestion" somewhere in the title.

Excuses if it confuses anyone.

So this is the previous thread just in case:

Played arena some hours since last post - reached and played master level.
Didn't touch the beast as i have almost no metal armor.

And still while 2v2 and 3v3 add some diversity, it still seems to me that simple features make this 2v2/3v3 experience a lot better. Looks much like a gathering of solo fighters that fight together against another gathering of solo fighters.
Yes, protagonists do avoid to hit their team mates and the players trys to get some profit of others back, flank. But that feels sooo poor compared to how good various 1v1 or campain variable fights are.

Did read that morale will be added in not that long)) before sui generis is out for sure ;)
While not knowing how exactly it will work, i trust the developpers entirely and think it will help the arena/entire game to reach the next level of quality.

Seems some primitive morale aspects are already present? Some undead running away after taking some hits and come back/stay somewhere stairing at something.

The suggestions for now:

- Ability to set the behavior of your AIs to Defencive-Balanced-Aggrrressive Arrrr
Set before or During a fight or even each hired character has a different behavior/profile.

For exemple: The fat guy with a shield will be more defencive, the thin girl with dual weapons will be more berserk(using simply undead level 1 AI?)
Anything of this would be great and in theory isn't like adding a whole new system to the game x)

Again using existing AI profiles? Undead ones?

Few words of text for each hireable character would be enough to help the player understanding who fights how.

- Ability to set the distance your AI will TRY to keep from other team mates during a fight:
Shoulder to shoulder - Close - Free(as now)

Same thing as the previous, no matter if can set it before/during a fight or is it a part of hirable char personnality.
Any way of implementation would add depth. Of course, during a fight would potentially be the best =)

Seems to me this feature is much more work than the previous to implement, as no scimilar mechanics seems to be present in the game right now. And it would probably require to rework the opponents/in general AI quite much. Also it would impact greatly combat, try to ltr when shoulder to shoulder to another trying to rtl =)

This distance thing came from what you fellow forumers wrote in the linked topic.

- Better AI mobility: while AI is now capable of providing immersive experience, it could gain from trying to reposition itself(trying to flank or get into your back and trying hard not just some steps) with more efforts, specialy actual before expert rank, where AI seemed more alive and dynamic.

The low tier AI would do repositionning badly, positionning itself on the side where hits tend to come from, pushing forward too much and exposing itself and adept+ could start using your bad moves to flank you mercilessly/ get into your back and strike.
For now, i(for exemple) spend my life fighting the backs of AI opponents, seems only masters are capable of some reactions.

This description feels bad, hope it's understandable.

What i ment in short: the AI could gain in moving more smoothly and more actively and not only from attacking more often(but random proc of push+attack then pause would also add)

- Traning with your own AIs. Maybe fights between them?
For exemple using at least novice armor and some wooden weapons to make it safer and let even yourself learn in peace how this or that manoever/fighting style would work without having a risk of taking a headshot from a hammer =)

But that doubious idea would obviously lower the difficulty of the arena greatly and does not much differ from duels with inept, aspirant except that it could be does safely and spammed faster.

Actually, expert/master fights already provide you the possibility to practice but it takes time to reach expert and master for a player that need training mostly at the beginning and, for exemple, while fighting a lot on expert a some on master i still have aspirant/novice/adept(head) armor and adept weapon... Doesn't let you much time for experimenting VS full plate knights swinging their halberd. I have to simply repeat what i've already learnt to win and basta.

It could become more valuable if you had to train your guys to fight close to each other or to train defencive/balanced/aggressive behavior...

Trying to write about what seems the closest to implement to me.
Any other, better or diverging ideas that help general thought advancement are welcome =)

PS: Oh! That wall! Speaking about all that with a friend few days ago, it seemed a 10 minuts talk))))
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