I wrote this in another thread, but the OP wanted me to go to this one instead so here I amThat's totally core to our philosophy and part of what all the dynamic story stuff supports. No unkillable NPCs, no respawning NPCs, nothing like that. It's much more than just annoying, it very much hurts immersion and the whole idea that what you do matters.
I can understand that the exact same NPC would rewpawn if you kill him. But what I hate in most RPG's is that if you kill someone that lives in a house, that house will be empty forever. Same goes if you steal something or rob a store/house, they never add stuff to the shelf again.
So if you like playing a sneaky character like me, that is a huge immersion breaker. If I rob a house, strip it completely clean. One would think that after a few weeks the house owner would have new stuff in the house. But in must RPG's that is not the case. Maybe he would have a better lock too, or got a dog or something.
Same if you assassin someone in a house, I'd think that after some time, a new character would move in to that house instead of having the house empty for the rest of the game, which makes the world feel very lifeless.
I dont want the same character to respawn of course, but if new NPCs would "enter the world", maybe from a far distant land, like travelers or immigrants or something from time to time or try and get new stuff after they've been robbed would be nice. I dont expect them to have mass riches of course, but one would think they'd have found something on their own adventures, or bought something from a local shop. Hell maybe even got stuff from their friends because they just got robbed.