[MOD] More Arena Lights 0.9


Hello BM, I noticed a request in regard to arena lighting, so I decided to do something about it. Exanima - More Lights 0.9 adds lights in the arenas to increase visibility. This is mostly achieved by adding gas lights as adding torches and lanterns are currently beyond my abilities. The mod does not alter lighting in story mode.

NOTE: The tavern/bar arena hasn't been edited yet (attempts to add lights produces no results), so I'll try some stuff and hopefully come back with an update.

See latest post for this mod's latest version (6.4.6 compatible)!

[url=https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B6VTOgg1mbG9MEtBODNjcmNqSDg]DOWNLOAD - compatible with 6.4.3e

EDIT: This should work with 6.4.5, but I'm not certain if this mod removes collisions with ceilings. Please let me know if this is/isn't the case.

It is highly recommended you backup your entire %Appdata%/Exanima folder before installing and running.

1) Rename resource.rpk to resource.rpk.bak in your Exanima installation folder
2) Drag and drop resource.rpk from this archive into your installation folder
3) Run the game

1) Delete resource.rpk in your Exanima installation folder
2) Rename resource.rpk.bak to resource.rpk in the installation folder
3) Run the game

Thanks to reddit user /u/FreshRestart for providing a .rpk packer/unpacker

I do not accept any responsibility for broken saves, broken files or broken limbs. Please read the
documentation carefully before attempting to install this mod.
Feel free to redistribute this mod provided you append my name - MrSharkus - to your credits list.

expArena.jpg expPArena.jpg novArena.jpg novPArena.jpg octArena.jpg viewArena.jpg

If you have any questions send me a message or post to the thread. Happy killing!
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