os support (linux)


k i see this is intels fault.
you mind telling me which version of opengl is used to develop? since i always here that most stick to 2.0 (due to intel and mac and embedded) im interested if the newer versions give considerable advantage in feature that it is used for a game like this.


just got it running perfectly doesn't drop below 60 fps stays in 80's in arena on a fresh install on Ubuntu gnome just installed wine and video driver and it worked out of the box :)

amd 8320@ 4.2GHz amd 7950 16gb ram


k i see this is intels fault.
you mind telling me which version of opengl is used to develop? since i always here that most stick to 2.0 (due to intel and mac and embedded) im interested if the newer versions give considerable advantage in feature that it is used for a game like this.
The problem with the embedded Intels isn't actually the version of OpenGL that they claim to support, it's the fact that it's essentially a complete lie. The version number they list as supported is about the only function that works properly on them.

Even AMD fail to support many core OpenGL features properly, even on their high end cards... Nvidia has the best OpenGL support by far, and even then it isn't always perfect.

What actually works really just comes down to the particular card and driver, with the claimed OpenGL version number being pretty much irrelevant, at least in this case.

An old card with a decent driver and actually functional OpenGL 2.x support like an Nvidia 8000 series for example will run the game perfectly...


thanks for this information brendan, i really wasnt aware of this and will pay much more attention when buying a new pc or graphic card.

666jet very nice you managed it, i have a tower with amd 6870 at my parents, i will sure try out if i get there (propably only in a few weeks/month though).
on my laptop i wanted to try latest intel drivers but i need to switch to fedora first, its only supported for ubuntu 14.10, which strangely does not run on it.


hi again, 14.10 just breaks really hard after installation, i dont know why but its not an issue of setting it up properly, its just broken, after new install or upgrade from 14.04.

anyhow, i just installed fedora 21, got the latest intel driver from here (https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads) and wine and stuff as you have described it (some alterations due to fedora), and now it runs with 60+ fps fullhd lowest settings. very nice. except for 1 error message at startup and character creation (with is quite dark and has no zoom) i did not notice any graphical bugs resulting from linux+wine (as i think).


I think in general managing to get a graphics driver with decent OpenGL supported installed in Linux is the key.. Also the current version of the archive doesn't seem to work at all with Wine (reports cabinet corrupted on both Linux and Mac OS), but I've found a new piece of software that does work so will use that for future releases.

I just tested it with Ubuntu 14.10 and an Nvidia card and it worked straight out the box (current archive problems aside) with Wine (1.6 from the Ubuntu store) but performance was terrible, updating the Nvidia driver from the Ubuntu store (I used 'current') fixed that and performance is virtually identical to Windows.


I just tested it with Ubuntu 14.10 and an Nvidia card and it worked straight out the box (current archive problems aside) with Wine (1.6 from the Ubuntu store) but performance was terrible, updating the Nvidia driver from the Ubuntu store (I used 'current') fixed that and performance is virtually identical to Windows.
thank you for taking the time to test this stuff out really make you a great dev


hi is tried the old version of exanima again and found out that the hairs (which looked scary before) are now fully supported (without updating exanima). so it seems opengl support is making progress, still some light issues and other minor stuff though.

btw would be nice to get the self extracting version of the current version too so i can try this out.


Hey Guys, I have this running on a Mac through steam but the ambient lighting isn't rendering properly and it's making it hard to play. Does anyone have a working wrapper? I have a NVIDIA graphics card.


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