So... I'm Addicted to Exanima...


Hi guys, I just joined. I bought this game on Steam four days ago. I have played it for over 36 hours in the first three days. It's like crack. I'm at work now, can't play... I'm starting to get itchy and sniffing a lot... na, but seriously well done! I can't believe how fun this game is. I've completed the game three times and explored every inch of all three levels meticulously. There are still some parts I don't have memorized. I've done some recording too so I plan on uploading some youtube videos. For one video I rushed to the third level without killing any zombies, looted all of the chests for armor, and then went back to the beginning. And then I went through killing every zombie meticulously, and collecting all of the lore and keys. I actually never found the key under the table in the first level until I saw it in another video. I also thought I was the only person who found the hidden sword until I saw someone else find it (although I didn't notice the armor). I love the composition of the various areas, and I like how vast sections can be completely passed over. I am so glad the map layouts are not linear like so many other games. I also recorded a video of completing the Expert Arena. Once I started to grasp the combat it kind of went to a whole new level. There is so much depth to the combat system that I could actually foresee this game being successful at a professional competitive e-sports level.

I'm starting to think this is a gameplay post, but really this is supposed to be my introduction and generally talking about the game. So let me say a bit about the game in a more general sense. The atmosphere is amazing. I was actually thinking of going back and playing the first Diablo until this hit that spot for me. I love the dungeon crawl, the combat, the ability to bypass combat and using intellect and strategy over brute force. I love the lore, it's subtle yet rich. I find myself trying to piece together who the various names that get mentioned are, how many people are writing the letters/scrolls, and exactly what went on. The only thing I'm completely puzzled about is my character's origin. It didn't seem like anything was hinted at in regards to why I was there. The bugs I've noticed are sometimes when clipping walls/doors/obstacles my character will stick in such a way that a spike forms from my character to the point of contact and it extends for a long time, even lagging the game a bit, but eventually it does go away. Sometimes a one handed weapon will get caught on a door, and when the door is closes, the weapon will be completely on the other side of the door for a moment and then teleport into my character's hand.

I enjoy the rag doll physics for the most part. I love how characters fall, but sometimes when I get KO'ed the character will go back to an upright position before going rag doll. Kind of like a little bounce. It may be impractical in terms of how much work it would be to make that change in the game's engine, but I think it would be great if the character models went instantly rag doll and just fell instead of returning to the upright position first. Kind of like when you kill an enemy mid swing their weapon goes flying. If you smoke someone with a powerful swing they should go flying (though maybe not quite as far as a throwing axe, as has happened to me with a weapon a couple times lol). My favorite weapons are the two-handed swords, although I usually switch to the Halberd for the last guy in the Expert Arena. The two-handed axes are fun too, especially when you chop someone in the head. I do very much like the way the game is set up in terms of not being able to save, but being able to continue if you exit with your character still alive. It would kind of kill the difficulty and mystery a bit I think if you could just save gradually after progressing through each room.

Alright, well that covers a few things I wanted to talk about the game. Now I'll talk about me a bit. I'm Canadian, eh, and a competitive gamer: Counter Strike, Super Smash Brothers Melee. I work at a shelter, and I am trying to get a degree in Theology so I can hopefully one day travel overseas and be a missionary/teacher. I am a Christian, Reformed Baptist, and I'm happy to talk about my faith with anyone who's interested. The only thing I don't really like are religious debates, so I'll avoid getting into any pointless arguments because they're no fun. I'm an avid film buff. I love foreign films, independent films, art films, and animation. I'm not so big on Hollywood films, but I like some of them too. My favorite directors are Jean-Luc Goddard, Jean-Pierre Melville, Francois Truffaut, Yasujiro Ozu, Akira Kurasawa, and Lukas Moodysson. I was addicted to video games growing up, but now I have it a bit more under control. I do go through some binge periods, but I think Exanima is going to make me need therapy pretty soon. Kidding of course, but I do have to be careful because I can easily become a raging videogame-aholic. I used to play Counter Strike: Condition Zero competitively in the Cyberathlete Amateur League, and currently I play Super Smash Bros. Melee competitively at tournaments. Some of my other favorite games are Final Fantasy Tactics, which I participate in AI Autobattle Tournaments for, Tenchu, Dark Souls, DayZ Standalone, CoD Zombies, and recently an old PS1 game called Carnage Heart. I think Exanima is a game I already consider a favorite. I can scarcely recall falling so deeply in love with a game so quickly, and the replayability is fabulous. I love extreme music, Screamo, Emotive Hardcore, Hardcore, Post-Hardcore, Metalcore, Deathcore, Grindcore, Powerviolence, Crust, Black Metal, Death Metal, and Thrash Metal.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I'm eager to actually contribute a bit to Exanima's community, especially in uploading videos. I'd like to do challenge runs, speed runs, walkthroughs/guides, and other random things for fun. I'd challenge anyone to try killing every zombie in order of encounterance wearing only a shirt and using only a weapon that can be found before a key. That is of course if you've already completed the game serval times and need a bigger challenge until more content gets released.

Anyone else as addicted as I am?
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Very nice post!

I would say I'm on the way to becoming addicted. I only have about 6 hours in the game, but am determined to beat the Arena to get my skills up to kill those beasts in the dungeon.

I'm off to practice! :D


Yeah, the zombies in the dungeon do not fight with nearly as skillful AI as the enemies in the arena. But beating the arena will certainly make combat in the dungeon much easier to get through. : )

Good luck with your practice! I find that turning to swing your weapon while dashing to the side or towards your opponent can present some good openings. Also it's interesting how with just eight directional movement, and left to right weapon swinging you can get full 3D angles from your weapon to hit any part of the body. You can swing and clip under a shield, or hit them in the head while they're swinging at you. That's not even considering the overhead chop, and I hear you'll be able to thrust in the future.

I think the key to combat is movement.
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Thanks for the tips :D

Managed to get to the barbarian woman with shield and axe now! Still fat shield guy is getting me most of the time.


I've been addicted from the first day i saw it on KickStarter 3 years ago :') I share your passion and i have the exact same thought about it becoming a professional exports game every time i play the arena. I always imagine the fighters are different players and beating each one sends me further up the competitive ladder, it's a blood thrill :D

Myself and a bunch of other guys have created a community guide as well if you wish to check it out. It pretty much has everything you need to know:


Very nice guide @Suggett66 :D

Managed to get to the last guy in the Novice this time! I'm getting better! Imagine if it could be played online with others! wow


Try evading and counter attacking. When they swing their right side is exposed. Swing from the left. You can also try wide swings from the right that will drop low and clip them in the foot beneath their shield. Always be conscious of everything you're doing. The two key elements are moving your character and your cursor to get maximum momentum, to evade while attacking/counter-attacking, and to get around their defense.
Madoc said last night to a bunch of us that they think they want to make multiplayer their main priority now
Oh, that sounds weird... Hoping that it will be something like cooperative dungeon crawler, but not simple arena/maze fights. Anyway, singleplayer is needed more than multiplayer, in my opinion. Time will show...


I'm very excited for multiplayer.

I noticed a couple flaws in your guide so far, Sugget. You said when you attack you stop blocking. Well that's basically true, so it's not so much a mistake, but you can block an attack with an attack because of collision physics. An overhead attack can chop down an incoming swing. A shield can also block at the same time as you attack. I don't know if you mention these things later, so maybe I'm being a bit premature.

Also you said that your temporary damage doesn't heal in the arena. That is completely untrue. It does. If your health gets low you can run around avoiding your opponent until it heals. I have tested this.


Welcome, glad you are enjoying the game, was a real treat when I found it on KS a few years ago.

As far as healing in the arena, I believe they have made it now to where you have to get out of combat mode(tab, to have yellow cursor) in order for the temp dmg to heal.

Don Kanaille

Glad you´re having a good time! :D

Having cleared the game in such a short time after purchase is a real sign of dedication. It certainly took me longer, and I played the combat beta before Exanima was even released.

Just to increase your motivation even further, there is a hidden room in the dungeon mode... a very well hidden room which contains something really valuable. It´s really hard to find without clues, but given your enthusiasm, I´ll let you do it on your own :p
But maybe the game itself has something to help you, who knows...

Also you said that your temporary damage doesn't heal in the arena. That is completely untrue. It does. If your health gets low you can run around avoiding your opponent until it heals. I have tested this.
The game doesn´t tell you, but the yellow bar is stamina, the red bar is health. Which is why the yellow bar regenerates over time while the red one doesn´t - the game´s time span is too short to realistically heal wounds.
Losing all stamina before health knocks you out and doesn´t kill you; currently, there is no difference between the two (both are game over) but in the later game, there will be (unless your enemy is malicious and finishes you off when you are just KO).
Health regenerates a tiny bit after each arena fight and stamina regenerates completely (but never above your health level). But you probably already know that, just like how you can heal in dungeon mode :3
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A secret room you say... that is very intriguing. I'm assuming your not talking about that two-handed sword with the enhanced balance effect. Well, there is a door in the first level which seems locked, but a key does not make a sound as it normally would on a locked door even if it's the wrong key. There is another door barricaded, like the doors that advance you to the next level, but it couldn't be accessed even when I got close to it between the barricades. There is a locked door near the end of the third level which I have yet to find a key for. And there is a key in the third level which when double clicked does not give the normal function that would unlock a door. I assumed that key was going to have a purpose in a later patch. I have a feeling what you're hinting at is not related to any of these though. I am curious to eventually discover it. What I'm working on right now are two things, clearing the game wearing only a tunic (but not by running past everything which I've already done), and getting armored up and then killing everything. I think I said that I've already done that, but actually I only cleared the first level so far after armoring up.


A secret room you say... that is very intriguing. I'm assuming your not talking about that two-handed sword with the enhanced balance effect. Well, there is a door in the first level which seems locked, but a key does not make a sound as it normally would on a locked door even if it's the wrong key. There is another door barricaded, like the doors that advance you to the next level, but it couldn't be accessed even when I got close to it between the barricades. There is a locked door near the end of the third level which I have yet to find a key for. And there is a key in the third level which when double clicked does not give the normal function that would unlock a door. I assumed that key was going to have a purpose in a later patch. I have a feeling what you're hinting at is not related to any of these though. I am curious to eventually discover it. What I'm working on right now are two things, clearing the game wearing only a tunic (but not by running past everything which I've already done), and getting armored up and then killing everything. I think I said that I've already done that, but actually I only cleared the first level so far after armoring up.
Just so you know... there are lore hints that help you discover the secret room :).


I'm very excited for multiplayer.

I noticed a couple flaws in your guide so far, Sugget. You said when you attack you stop blocking. Well that's basically true, so it's not so much a mistake, but you can block an attack with an attack because of collision physics. An overhead attack can chop down an incoming swing. A shield can also block at the same time as you attack. I don't know if you mention these things later, so maybe I'm being a bit premature.

Also you said that your temporary damage doesn't heal in the arena. That is completely untrue. It does. If your health gets low you can run around avoiding your opponent until it heals. I have tested this.
1. I don't remember ever saying that losing your block when you attack to be a mistake, so don't know where you got that from :p

2. As for attacks blocking other attacks that does not come under defense that just comes under blind luck so i didn't need to add it and as for the shield, a shield in and of itself is self explanatory so i didn't feel the need.

3. When talking about health and mentioning the arena i must have worded it funny as i just meant to mention that you shouldn't worry about health replenishment as you gain it back after every round. That was simply a mistake in my wording

Thanks for mentioning these things though, i'll make a slight adjusted to the way i worded the stuff on the dungeon and damage.
Just so you know... there are lore hints that help you discover the secret room :).
...And this time when I was ready to bring a simple butchery to all those "zeds", then you appears and literally tells me go back and keep scavenge for some lore... love this game. :)
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Ι swear the longer I play the arena mode, the harder it gets. :p I reach the last opponents on the first few goes, and then lose. I then proceed to die repeatedly on the first and easiest opponents, even when carrying the better gear from the later enemies. :3


Ι swear the longer I play the arena mode, the harder it gets. :p I reach the last opponents on the first few goes, and then lose. I then proceed to die repeatedly on the first and easiest opponents, even when carrying the better gear from the later enemies. :3
I believe this all due to the mental state you're in when you play. If you are thinking "these guys are easy, I've got this" then you don't take them seriously and allow them to hit you. At least this is what happens to me lol.

Don Kanaille

I have a feeling what you're hinting at is not related to any of these though.
Exactly :p

Regarding that strange sword, you probably noticed that it doesn´t have a tip. Which could hint that this is a very special purpose sword.

The key with the diamond head which you find not far from the end is bugged atm. Either it was supposed to open that one door nearby (I´ve been at that door from both sides, but never got to open it) or what that key is supposed to open is not implemented yet.


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