annyoing "drag and drop system"


Hey everybody! :)

Why cant you "develepors" make the drag-and-drop clicking/equipping/lootig(picking-up) system make easier to handle?
It costs me million hours of lifetime and tons of nerves... to switch items, to equip them or o pick them up

my suggestion:
-right click on an equipment = information
-double klick = switching it to another window (shop, inventory and so on)
-strg+mouseclick = equip/unequip

These are just a few "basics" wich shouldnt cost you much effort to program but avoid a lot of frustration for me and i bet a lot of other players and newcomers and make the prelude ways more user-friendly wich i think is very important for especially this game!

Btw i have experienced sth very funny but kinda not really playable.. i fought in the arena when a speed bug occured? All movements, the time was like 3x speed lol. How did that happen ? (as iam not playing via internet , having lagg)

I ve removed the torch in the arena shop and now im sitting in a dark room. Restarting doesnt help lol
How to fix it?

And I still have so many questions...
I hope my posts/feedback dont annoy you but inspire you

greetings and ty for help!

EDIT: Am i alone with my concern?
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I like the drag-n-drop. Although a bit more tedious, it's much more immerser - IRL you don't look at t-shirt and it jumps on you. Whole game is based around physics, and moving things, as opposed to teleporting them, fits that concept well.

Also - maybe one day we'll get rid of inv window (so you decide into which equipped bag you want to DRAG that item from the physically opened chest) or some items will have multiple ways to be used (single vambrace that can be used either for right or left forearm. Or quiver that can either go an back for easier transportation or on belt for faster arrow drawing, ect.). Or maybe we'll be able to throw objects rather than placing them (DRAG and release mid-swing).


100% sure your vision will never happen due to my remarks.

Maybe in this form,
mouseklick + b = put stuff in bag
or mouseklick + s = put it into sac

That RL example is not really arguable... in real life i grab my t-shirt imediately and dont have problems to "equip" it. Here i sometimes need 4 clicks to get the quarterstaff. Same for other items. And if you equip alot and switch between characters... hell... dear lord of www. pls change that.. i want to fight not spend half of my lifetime/gamingtime fighting with the equipment.

I wonder if yet there arent any known cases of people starved while equiping?

At a certain point you have to weigh between the game concept and "playablity".

  • Pls dont get lost into detail at cost of handling/management.

This game has a big potential... and one day you programmers want to harvest the fruiits of your efforts...
dont scare the "mainstream" away, they will pay your rents :)
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The benefit of the inventory system is that it is very straight forward. You click and drag things from where they are to where you want them to be.

The problem is clicking on small things like keys or thin weapons, or on the weapon you are using in the inventory while your "paper doll" in the inventory moves around. you have to wait for him to stand still before unequiping the torch for example lol

I'd be careful with hotkey suggestions this early in development. There's probably several GUIs not yet designed, and we don't have the full picture for what is needed in the future.

but take heart, they are redesigning the inventory system at some point
Well, imagine your inventory as a sort of infinitely size bag. Maybe some icons need to be resized, but things, small and thin like keys, coins and would be not as easy to grab as a shirt if you're reaching into a bag to try and get something.

*insert something about refined motor skill*


@Orlacktherof I don't think mouse operations accurately represent eye-hand coordination- and if anything I spend more time pulling a big book or a laptop out of my backpack than a keychain or a pen

It could be that there is no fix, and this is just one of the downsides to a inventory with many upsides
@Orlacktherof I don't think mouse operations accurately represent eye-hand coordination- and if anything I spend more time pulling a big book or a laptop out of my backpack than a keychain or a pen

It could be that there is no fix, and this is just one of the downsides to a inventory with many upsides
Well, I carry a satchel or what can only be described as a canvas saddlebag for my motorcycle, and getting small things out of the bags are harder for me. Then again I also need glasses to see, so, maybe not...


I think the drag & drop is fine, but it could be a little more friendly. Maybe when you hover over a weapon, it highlights a bit and pulls up a quick stat menu. If you already had a weapon equipped, it pulls up a comparison between the two.
A balance between accessibility, shortcuts, and immersion... I wonder if there's a good way to get data on this, or perhaps a separate ... program? for the game to test things such as these.


Hey everybody! :)

Why cant you "develepors" make the drag-and-drop clicking/equipping/lootig(picking-up) system make easier to handle?
It costs me million hours of lifetime and tons of nerves... to switch items, to equip them or o pick them up

my suggestion:
-right click on an equipment = information
-double klick = switching it to another window (shop, inventory and so on)
-strg+mouseclick = equip/unequip
Just dont highlight every item in the game!
Just this afternoon I found a key on the table simply because I looked, and not because I held "ALT" and I clicked on "key".

The only problem I have with the Current system is with the touch.
When I have my 2handed weapon equip I cannot see in the dark or I have to use a 1hander.
So a quick drop/equip touch would be awesome. I don't see any reason why one cannot use a touch out of combat mod with a 2H weapon. One just drops in when entering combat - in the inventory (in case you have to run away from that fight. Or touches needs to be easy to find everywhere).

How does that sound?
Just dont highlight every item in the game!
Just this afternoon I found a key on the table simply because I looked, and not because I held "ALT" and I clicked on "key".

The only problem I have with the Current system is with the touch.
When I have my 2handed weapon equip I cannot see in the dark or I have to use a 1hander.
So a quick drop/equip touch would be awesome. I don't see any reason why one cannot use a touch out of combat mod with a 2H weapon. One just drops in when entering combat - in the inventory (in case you have to run away from that fight. Or touches needs to be easy to find everywhere).

How does that sound?
Some kind of quickswitch will be implemented eventually


The drag and drop system is ok. Remembers me on UO. Like it. So developers plz don't change it. Don't listen to lazy gamers and don't make it casual (double click to equip ...) ))


The drag and drop system is ok. Remembers me on UO. Like it. So developers plz don't change it. Don't listen to lazy gamers and don't make it casual (double click to equip ...) ))
Userfriendliness is not the same as casual. Fighting with the controls because its clumsy is not hardcore - like switching touch for weapon.


Userfriendliness is not the same as casual. Fighting with the controls because its clumsy is not hardcore - like switching touch for weapon.
I thought it's more realism specific. Can't imagine how to change a weapons (swords, axes) during the fight in real life. The only logical way is to throw the main weapon away.
Quickswitching of some sort will be implemented eventually, people. And even then, with a bit of "Sleight of hand" you can switch out torch for weapon and weapon for torch very quickly. (Hint: put important stuff in the corners of your inventory box, and move the inventory closer to the center of the screen, and keep it closed)


Well all you guys didnt understand my concerns. Its not just the drag and drop in the inventory, lets say thats okay... but if you have several characters (for example 2) and you got to switch your gear/equipment becuase one is regenerating to fight meanwhile with the other a few matches you ve got to switch the equipment a lot and due to the actual drag and drop system this takes ages and costs nervs. End of the story you lose more time equipping/switching equipment then fighting in the pit. And thats no fun!


and btw i cant take your real life examples too serious.. in so many ways... starting ive never seen anyone with an invetory full af any platearmor (regarding its weight and space....) and staff and so on... just lol


Of course User Experience is extremely important, and all of us know that, but zero of us that has been here even a few months are concerned with it yet, there's so much more to do development wise. And it's going to take time.
I don't think it's as much as that we don't get your point, we just don't share your panic, and we aren't that easily frustrated. Maybe it's because we know there's things in the pipeline, and and we all trust them to figure this out, or let us know if they don't.

I also don't think the system with change that much. There's a lot of novelty to it. As long as gimmicks don't come in the way of good experiences then I'm fine with it. I bet we can expect a lot more clever and uncluttered menus one day

if you have several characters (for example 2) and you got to switch your gear/equipment becuase one is regenerating to fight meanwhile with the other a few matches you ve got to switch the equipment a lot and due to the actual drag and drop system this takes ages and costs nervs

Sounds like a very trigger-happy complaint considering it's the very first implementation of the arena. Jesus, man (and i'm not even addressing your condescending OP)


Did you guys ever think about the fact that someone frustrated by this game or annoyed in any way wont register in a forum and maybe thats why you dont see any posts like these? And to me it also costs energy to write those threads i was thinking about just deleting game at a certain point and that was sad because i liked it especially the fighting system. I grew up with Magic the gatthering, Baldurs Gate and other rpg but i guess im not that much into "realism" at any cost like some others :-(

I guess i have to keep switching equipment for hours

@ChavaiotH so then dont bring the realism argument....

However, i wish you all a nice day :)


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