A bunch of small bugs and ideas/improvements.


Can't access steam overlay (shift+tab) when the game is paused.
This seems to have only happened after the recent update. I can't access the steam overlay whilst the game is paused, however I can still access it if the game is not paused.
I don't know if this is intentional or not, but I don't like it :l

Clothing layer guides
Sometimes it is a little confusing when you have multiple layers of clothing, (and armour on top in some cases) it can be hard to tell if equipping a new item will remove one already equipped, or which item it will be replacing.
A 'layers guide' on the items stat window would be useful.
Something like this perhaps?
- see attached -
Layered clothing.jpg
My artwork is pretty shoddy, but I hope you get the idea, a primitive silhouette of a shirt instead of a bar would look nice. Also in hindsight, I believe there are only three layers of shirts (not including armour), but you get the idea.

Arena equipment comparison
- Many ARPG's such as Diablo and Torchlight allow you to compare your currently equipped items to the items in a vendors inventory with ease. You just need to hover over an item that the vendor owns and a dialog box will appear next to it with your equipped items stats.

Currently in the arena I check in with the vendor, if I see something that could be useful I try to memorise the items stats, then go to my roster and compare it to my recruits and hires items by memory.
Perhaps a window next to the vendors inventory with a drop down box of all of your hirelings and recruits would be nice. You could click on the name you wish to view and a small window will appear with their inventory.
- see attached-
Arena vendor.jpg

Game breaking and crashing bugs.

This used to happen to me in the practice arena every once in a blue moon; When the game loads a new opponent, an error dialog box would appear, usually something to do with deleting an object. I can't click 'Ok' or 'x' on the box unless I move the box, but the dialog boxes seem to be infinite (so I can make an unlimited # of copies by moving the dialog box repeatedly). I can no longer move my character and the opponent does not attack, the only option is the close the game, sometimes it crashes on its own, which is nice.
That being said, I haven't had this occur in the *practice* arena for some time, though I don't use it much anymore anyway.
- see attached -
Error deleting removed objects.jpg

It does occur in the arena mode though, seemingly only in elimination matches, which follow the same rules as the practice arena.

I have encountered another issue, again only in elimination matches. It occurs when the opponent spawns in there seems to be an issue figuring out the collision of the new items and opponent.

First the issue was with his weapon (a dialog box appeared saying something about an error with the collision of the weapon), I closed that dialog box and his weapon disappeared. He just stood there so I ran at him and smacked him in the face, then his body combusted leaving a stretched trail of his body parts.
- see attached -


Steam overlay works like an injector - uses game renderer to show, but exanima when paused stops all rendering because its how you write good soft - no unnecessary stress on system. So steam overlay wont show, its not a bug, just how steam and game works.


Steam overlay works like an injector - uses game renderer to show, but exanima when paused stops all rendering because its how you write good soft - no unnecessary stress on system. So steam overlay wont show, its not a bug, just how steam and game works.
A bit of creative coding would allow for both. Contextually exceptioning certain types of input isn't all that hard (albeit sometimes it can be time consuming :/ )


Not sure if I should make my own thread or not, but if you ask your merchant to stock master tier weapons, it's going to bug out the game (unknown application error). Or at least, it does for me. The game sort of works, but I can't open the menu.

I also like the idea with showing what layer a piece belongs to.

In addition, if you have a character equipped with all tiers, the inventory is going to be very messy, even if you try to organise, so I'd like some kind of indication in the inventory what equipment is actually equipped at the currently displayed tier.


Doesn't happen to me, maybe you could try backing up your saves and reinstalling. It's a pretty big issue so it probably warrants it's own thread.


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