For my game, made up of two new PnP players, it's a sneak-thief pyromaniac and a karate-crossbow-knife fighter. Latter is a little silly, but it's whatever.
That sounds more like a class description, but how are these characters like? You know, besides their fighting style. At least regarding my experience, what makes a character interesting is, to a small part, his backstory, and to a bigger part, his flaws.
Also, what genre of RPG are we talking about?^^
If you're not the limping, aging viking formerly known as pirate who shows the first signs of dementia, then I'll eat my own hat
Your hat will remain uneaten, then
I didn´t expect it to be that obvious. But it´s pretty entertaining portraying someone quite unlike my real self in PnP, with clear strenghts (tough, strong, brave, experienced, can drink a freakin lot) and weaknesses (slow, not agile, superstitious, forgets things he doesn´t write down, mourns his son who got lost on a raid). It´s a nice contrast to Larping, which I also do, but where my characters tend to be a lot closer to my real personality for the sake of believability.