Character performing vertical swings when I'm not clicking twice


First off, there is nothing wrong with my mouse, it's only a month old and I've tried to see if something is wrong with the left click, and not once has it double clicked from only 1 click.

I've tried to recreate what happens to me in the middle of almost every fight where I try to do a normal horizontal swing but my character ends up doing a vertical swing instead even though I clicked LMB only once and I've never been able to, not even once; this glitch only happens to me when I'm in combat.

I've tried to see if keeping my cursor farther or closer away fixes the issue, and it makes no effect.

This has been happening to me ever since the most recent patch and it's honestly very frustrating and makes fighting feel very unresponsive.


Maybe check speed of dbl click in windows. Click start type in mouse, click the first one at the top and then adjust double click speed.

Only thing else I can think that might be causing it


Changing the speed seems to have fixed the issue. I have been playing for about 3 hours now and I haven't had a mis-swing so far.


If someone has similar issue and this solution doesnt work another reasin for this might be old clicker - whem metal memrane inside gets thousands of clicjs it wears off and releases a click sometimes msking normal click repeat several times or rekease completely.


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