Climbing over walls.

So, for the sake of bug testing and other things, I spent about 3 hours... trying to climb over walls.
Bloody hell was that a terrible ordeal. So, things I discovered and learned.

There are risks to this, You can stab yourself with your weapon, take fall damage or just die instantly from ascending. I don't know why that last one happens. You also cannot actually reach the "roof/ceiling" as you will fall down from the script that is meant to prevent all the things I will list. You can still get over the wall with the long board by using momentum. If you stack small crates to make a staircase, you won't fall much.

Whatever you carry, hold or wear will not affect how you climb. The objects you hold can affect how you fall however. You can obtain negative health and or just die from hitting the ground or hitting yourself.

Tall characters have issues getting any altitude or just walking up things. Short ones, don't carry enough momentum to be able to fall over a wall or doorframe. I'm not seeing much difference in character build, just balance and getting over the top of the wall to the other side.

Climbing into the void:
Impossible, if you manage to get over the wall, you will be shoved back through. rather forcefully. You can get stuck though. Lighting is strange here, it doesn't seem to work. If you get stuck, you character will not move, you will be stuck.

Climbing over doors:
This works, however, you can get stuck on-top of the door frame. This can take a while as stacking items will take a long time, and using the long board, will take quite a few attempts. and you might be killed instantly if you fall down.

Climbing over walls into adjacent rooms:
This has the same issues with doors mostly, but you wont get stuck on-top of the wall as easily, and you can get stuck in a wall. This can work though, as you can skip the first level locked door if you get lucky and fall into the closet quickly behind the locked door.


Splendid report. What I wish was someone doing a video compilation with all the messing around with physics engine, that would be great fun - pushing zombies around, putting stuff on em, making traps, climing over doors that dont have keys yet etc etc. Now its mostly fights or walkthrouhh videos, rarely something fun (yes many fights are fun, but still)
Splendid report. What I wish was someone doing a video compilation with all the messing around with physics engine, that would be great fun - pushing zombies around, putting stuff on em, making traps, climing over doors that dont have keys yet etc etc. Now its mostly fights or walkthrouhh videos, rarely something fun (yes many fights are fun, but still)
I don't think you'd want to see me fall off of a board or staircase for 3 hours straight.


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