Hey Exanimates,
We're ready to start introducing our first procedural weapons, which should happen in a beta branch patch later today.
What this means is that where you would previously find the same exact sword again and again, whether in a chest, in the environment or wielded by a character, in the arena shop etc. you might now find a procedurally generated unique sword. These also vary in general quality and condition, and their condition can be improved with the new mechanics like armour. It's still a work in progress, but the specific features and shape of a weapon can have a significant impact on its performance.
The weapons still belong to very specific categories, and we are not replacing the more unique and themed weapons with procedural ones. In time we will also be making these procedural, but with only small randomisation parameters and the dynamic condition features.
A big part of this weapon update is also just improving the quality of weapon assets. The new weapons feature more realistic designs and properly take advantage of the new renderer. We are also working to introduce new gameplay feature and better damage mechanics.
We've also been busy fixing lots of things this week, including some old bugs and making various improvements, which should make this next beta patch a very polished release. Show us your new procedural weapons and let us know what you think. There's hundreds of thousands of possible variants of the same weapon, so lots of possibilities.
Have a great week!
-the BM team
We're ready to start introducing our first procedural weapons, which should happen in a beta branch patch later today.
What this means is that where you would previously find the same exact sword again and again, whether in a chest, in the environment or wielded by a character, in the arena shop etc. you might now find a procedurally generated unique sword. These also vary in general quality and condition, and their condition can be improved with the new mechanics like armour. It's still a work in progress, but the specific features and shape of a weapon can have a significant impact on its performance.
The weapons still belong to very specific categories, and we are not replacing the more unique and themed weapons with procedural ones. In time we will also be making these procedural, but with only small randomisation parameters and the dynamic condition features.
A big part of this weapon update is also just improving the quality of weapon assets. The new weapons feature more realistic designs and properly take advantage of the new renderer. We are also working to introduce new gameplay feature and better damage mechanics.
We've also been busy fixing lots of things this week, including some old bugs and making various improvements, which should make this next beta patch a very polished release. Show us your new procedural weapons and let us know what you think. There's hundreds of thousands of possible variants of the same weapon, so lots of possibilities.
Have a great week!
-the BM team
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