End of Round Summary? More atmosphere?


Not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere but trying the new beta for the first time.

Really like all the additions and changes but to me finishing a fight felt a little anti-climatic. I think it would be nice if at the end there was a little summary - perhaps like a page in the arena masters log detailing something like:

"Dansak bested Arundel and claimed the purse!"

Wounds - (shows your health bar before and after)

Experience - (shows your gain)

beneah showing the prize money gained

Number of wins/losses for that fighter.

Possibly (though this might be cheesy) it could have some crowd noise in background - actually the whole fights would be better (those in the appropriate setting) with some procedural crowd noise - cheers on a hit and boos if you circle too long plus some oohs and aahs on blocks.

Finally (though I'm sure this is in consideration) the 'house' would be more fun being replaced by a 'pit' area in a market where other gang masters (the better opnes in opulent robes) sit at their tents with their champions wandering about. The shop would be a set of stalls and the roster a big noticeboard with others looking at it. You could even start fights (in the interests of bare mettle realism) but the town guards would intervene and beat you up before you get locked up for awhile and are unavailable to fight - I'm aware this is irrelevant to core gameplay but it would flesh things out.


One of the insiders confirmed something I suggested along the same lines-

Perhaps one of the insiders would know more... but will there be more personality in the arena? As much as I enjoy the myriad grunts there are, it would be nice to let loose a battlecry as I charge my prey. Even better, a cheer from a crowd when I land a meaty hit or a boo when I strike a foe on the ground. Perhaps the tavern will have drunkards, the arena some knights watching the brawl. Dynamic spectators based on the rank of the match would add a great deal of immersion.

"konggary +1 all is true"

A market arena would be cool, but it would fit the atmosphere of SG better than EX.


Well I would really dislike to have a popup menu at the end with that information, but I would be ok to have an area after where I can consult (IF I want) the statistics of my previous match, and even see replays (Seen a few words about that)

Also hearing a cheering crowd sound all the time around would not feel good to me, worst if it was without actually seeing that said crowd, but I am not against some audio settings that you could enable/disable as we see fit.

But I would like having more life around, even if it was only some pests scurrying away and some AI populating the lobby.


Well I would really dislike to have a popup menu at the end with that information, but I would be ok to have an area after where I can consult (IF I want) the statistics of my previous match, and even see replays (Seen a few words about that)
It could even be a book that your main character has in inventory whose pages update. I just find it a bit wierd when the battle ends and it's just -exit-. Other games might have a cutscene and some speech though I'm not sure that's right for exanima - though you could have an npc arena master who you speak to after the match and collect your winnings -that would fit with the market place idea rather than the funds being paid electronically to your characters bank account


Oooooh, Imagine if we went full A Knight's Tale and could hire our own announcer. This would ofcourse include voice acting, but it would have been hilarous to have some spirited guy announce, narrate and celebrate our presence, action and results. Though that might be a bit out of scope for the development studio? :p


It could even be a book that your main character has in inventory whose pages update. I just find it a bit wierd when the battle ends and it's just -exit-. Other games might have a cutscene and some speech though I'm not sure that's right for exanima - though you could have an npc arena master who you speak to after the match and collect your winnings -that would fit with the market place idea rather than the funds being paid electronically to your characters bank account
I understand what you mean but it's all cosmetic, best they keep working on the essentials. and what make this game good is that it isn't doing like "other games"


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