Extremely impressed and worried


Hi, I stumbled upon your kickstarter video due to someone mentioning Sui Generis and I have never seen anything, not only so impressive, but exactly what I was looking for in games for years!

This is exactly what I wanted for so long, everything procedural, most importantly animation and physics. It makes the world feel so alive and extends the scope of gameplay to unimaginable levels if it is simulated instead of contrived like in 99.9% of games.

Unfortunately, although I frequent a lot of gaming sites and gaming youtube channels, I never saw anyone mentioning Sui Generis, not once. So, I wasn't able to participate in the funding.

I'm really worried that the money you got will not be adequate to really do the game justice and I was also wondering how come this was so obscure?
You really should have done a better job of contacting major youtube channels(TotalBiscuit, AngryJoeSow), can the kickstarter thing be repeated?


Although I do have to admit, I was hoping a game like this would be of SF genre instead of fantasy but this is still a good start. When you think about it, SF RPG or SF ARPG is the rarest of genres so I'm pretty sure you would have attracted a lot more attention.
You may have missed the kickstarter but you can still contribute towards the project & get access to rewards by making a PayPal donation. Not much time left though. They did say that the collectors edition would only be available till the end of 2012 so it may only be available for a matter of hours. Not sure how much longer the other rewards will be available.


How did you learn about this project?
It's really weird that I haven't heard a peep about such a brilliant project from any source.
Totalbiscuit liked a video, I believe it was their latest one. That brought it to my attention. He also mentioned Sui Generis during one of his news videos and showed some footage as background visuals where he discussed something kickstartery.


Personally, I just checked the "popular projects" on kickstaster, found this, saw the pitch video (Without sound :p)
So in other words; all I saw was a drunken guy with two sword fighting a drunk skeleton, which was enough to get me hooked :p
Troll (Verb)

1. Trailing a baited line along behind a boat: "we trolled for mackerel".
2. Search for something.

I believe it's only a matter of time till 3. Being a dick online gets added to the official definitions but for now online 'trolling' is nothing more than slang.

Not going off topic or anything lol


Troll (Verb)

1. Trailing a baited line along behind a boat: "we trolled for mackerel".
2. Search for something.

I believe it's only a matter of time till 3. Being a dick online gets added to the official definitions but for now online 'trolling' is nothing more than slang.

Not going off topic or anything lol
hmm I never heard it being used for searching :p
This is what I'm used to it meaning:

"1a. Noun
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument."

from- http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=troll

And also for fishing.

Edit: sorry for going even more off-topic :p


The guy in the video said they all have full jobs and this is more like a hobby.
So, with the kickstarter ending does this mean they will work fully on the game and how many people are exactly involved?
It is really not wise for a project this ambitious to be half-assed by working intermittently, those things tend to drag on forever.


The guy in the video said they all have full jobs and this is more like a hobby.
So, with the kickstarter ending does this mean they will work fully on the game...
Yes, as far as I know they have just moved to a new office and are working full time on the game.


it would be cooler if they would implement the combat system of "Silver" where you had to move the mouse for hits .. maybe like holding ALT and strafe the mouse to the left so he swings left in-game and so on. Would be pretty cool to see this with that physics engine though :oops:
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I also discovered SG when TotalBiscuit used it as background footage during a Content Patch - he didn't even mention it verbally, but I loved the aesthetic and the combat so I rewound and saw the 'Sui Generis' name flash up.

I don't know how long £160k (+PayPal) can keep a dev team going, the costs for creating a game are astronomical - although usually a lot of it is in licenses, which they don't have to worry about (having created everything from scratch). However, the SG team is tiny (around 5 people?).


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