Feedback (2/3): Quality of Game improvements


I've collected things I noticed during my last play through so that I could give constructive feedback. I've organised my feedback into three post. This is the second of those three and deals with those things I feel could improve the overall quality of life and the quality of the gaming experience. The first and third posted can be viewed at your pleasure.
  • Containers (boxes, pouches, etc) inside containers (cabinets, chests) are always empty. The feel of immersion would improve if small objects (such as a set of dice, gems or coins) where kept in pouches some of the time.
  • It would be really nice if I could somehow see my overall armour protection, or better yet, my armour protection ratings per body area (head, torso, etc.)
  • Please add numbers to the images for spells (C-key)
  • Please add a second column for alternative/2nd key bindings, so that I can have two keys/buttons bound to the same control.
  • WASD-controls differences between combat mode and non-combat mode are confusing, please add a setting where I can choose to have them the same in both modes (preferred WASD-controls for me are the ones from combat mode, but I'm guessing this varies from person to person).
  • Please add a setting where I can toggle auto-pausing the game when I Alt+Tab to another window?
  • Training up the shield skill (I like the sword and shield combat style) penalizes the player when compared to the two handed weapons style, because you have to train 5 less skills, for no significant downside. This effect gets more pronounced with the late-game armours.
  • In the new level (ruins, above ground) it is really hard to see the stuff that is underneath the tent canopies. Maybe automatically add transparency to it when the protagonist steps below them?
  • Some objects are too heavy to pick up and manipulate (rotate, place somewhere), but I can move them by bashing into them or getting stuck with a weapon. It would be nice if I could drag those objects (not unlike how we can drag bodies).
  • With all three armour encumbrance skills learned, full plate armour has no penalty to encumbrance and thus movement speed. It feels less than believable that a persons can move as freely when packed inside plate steel as he or she could when near naked; I would expect that all the armour plating (even for a very experienced-with-wearing-armour person) should slow you down compared to just plain clothes or, for example, gambeson.
  • Why can the 'demon fungus' not be destroyed/cut down?
Your lordship's most humble and obedient servant,
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Nice feedback. Quaility improvements can be very subjective, but I can comment on some planned features and technical restrictions.

  • Containers (boxes, pouches, etc) inside containers (cabinets, chests) are always empty. The feel of immersion would improve if small objects (such as a set of dice, gems or coins) where kept in pouches some of the time.
The developers agree with you and at some point smaller containers will likely spawn some very worthwhile items. Just many things on the todo list.
  • It would be really nice if I could somehow see my overall armour protection, or better yet, my armour protection ratings per body area (head, torso, etc.)
Armour doesn't have ratings per body part or a overall protection like in many rpgs. It only covers and confers protection to the areas it visual covers on the character.
In terms of being able to view under layers and protection in a easier manor, that has been discussed but no concrete plans have been accounced. (I believe theres several user interface and technical problems that need solving, although by no means undoable.)

  • Please add a setting where I can toggle auto-pausing the game when I Alt+Tab to another window?
Should be added in a upcoming settings rework.
  • Some objects are too heavy to pick up and manipulate (rotate, place somewhere), but I can move them by bashing into them or getting stuck with a weapon. It would be nice if I could drag those objects (not unlike how we can drag bodies).
This was prototyped at some point and had major problems working correctly. They have stated they will try again but that it's a deceptively hard problem.


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