Improving Movement.


I am currently working on improving my movements and balance while moving. Previously I'd always dash, which caused my character to wobble around, but what do you guys think which is the best way to use dash?

I was trying to use it in sprint mode, and relying more on the small adjustments but I found it to be very clunky and not fluid. Maybe It's just that I need to get used to it but I got my arse handed to me quite a few times that way.

Any expert tips from the hardened veterans?


I am currently working on improving my movements and balance while moving. Previously I'd always dash, which caused my character to wobble around, but what do you guys think which is the best way to use dash?

I was trying to use it in sprint mode, and relying more on the small adjustments but I found it to be very clunky and not fluid. Maybe It's just that I need to get used to it but I got my arse handed to me quite a few times that way.

Any expert tips from the hardened veterans?
I use the default method (hold to dash) and just tap the movements keys when I need to take single steps. The wobble tends to come from throwing your weight about and constantly reversing directions on-the-fly. If you time the dashes so that your character's weight isn't being tossed in opposite directions (when your movement is almost finished/not much momentum built-up) there will be much less wobble since you won't be fighting your own momentum in an attempt to reverse directions.

In practice it works like this: press and hold forward key to dash forward, wait a moment or two for the character to finish the dash, then when your character is mostly settled you can give another movement input to change direction without wobble. This is commonly referred to as 'using proper footwork'. Another example that I use quite often: tap forward once to step in whilst attacking, then after the attack lands tap the backward movement key once to quickly step back out of harm's way. Since you didn't dash forward there will be much less built-up momentum which allows you to perform the entire maneuver all in one single, fluid motion. Utilizing single steps like this you can pretty much dance in and out of striking range without any wobble at all. If you need to create more distance after the attack then step in, attack, then dash out.

I also just wanted to note that the footwork and movements have been improved in the upcoming patch so there is less noticeable wobble even when violently throwing your character about.
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Ah ok, thank you for the input. Previously I never ever tapped the movements keys. I was dashing always and it seemed to work best. But with the upcoming ogre fights etc. focusing on precise movement seemed like a good idea to me.


Ah ok, thank you for the input. Previously I never ever tapped the movements keys. I was dashing always and it seemed to work best. But with the upcoming ogre fights etc. focusing on precise movement seemed like a good idea to me.
This is a short vid of the current beta test patch but in the first fight you can see I finish my opponent off using the technique I described above (taking single step back then forward in one fluid movement to remain out of their reach while simultaneously attacking):

I can't emphasize being slower and more deliberate with movement enough. Remember that you automatically block incoming attacks with reasonable success (amazing with heater shield) if you're not attacking. Even just practice taking small steps around your opponent and block his attacks - take steps SLOWLY - that means you tap the key amd WAIT, don't confuse "tap" with "mash" lol.

If you take slow and easy steps and focus your cursor on the enemy, sometimes aiming a bit towards the oncoming attack to get better angle, you can actually block MOST attacks. If it looks like one is going to hit you, or you dashed of mashed yourself into a drunkard and let your guard down; you can usually hug the opponent to lessen the blow or evade it entirely.

The final basic move is stepping backwards to dodge blows entirely.
Use a combination of all of them. Take deliberate steps towards or away from the opponent. Never forget you can block if you dont attack.

When it comes to combat and attacking, i think thats another post ill make sometime at your request, but the gist of it is reliant on you making small deliberate movements so you dont wobble around. Generally you want to move in the direction of your attack. So if you top-down attack then crouch to add more speed and force
Left-to-right, move right. Vice versa for the standard RtL. Eventually you will start learning when you augment your motion with more keys you can get better shots in more situations, for example sidestepping with a thrust or top-down to hit an enemy that would otherwise have dodged the thrust, hitting the legs (really good vs shields), etc..

P.s. is there any recommended way of recording gameplay? As is my hardware is pretty subpar.. id love to make videos though
Most of my pugilism matches are 2 shot KO, half of my duels are 1 or 2 kills or KO. I basically just grind master elimination for 2g per win.. not to float my boat, im probably 100 hours into this game, which isnt a lot in the greater scheme but i certainly remember playing the beginner arena for the first 10 times and i was sure the chick with the shield was unbeatable hahaha. Hoping the AI improvements and ogre fights will make it more challenging.
I tell my friends this every time but I think it might be a bit criptic; try to feel the wheight!

What I mean is that the key point here is inertia, EVERYTHING HAS INERTIA, and your feet are the main way to control that inertia, if your weapons inertia is forward with all your force and weight and you want to recover from that attack, youll have to put effort on your compensation( you'd hold X key, but not destroy it!, depending on where the inertia is going), but if you just delivered a tapping swing obviously youll have to tap in the opposite direction with your feet.

Hope this helps you somehow, we need a good comunity for when MP comes out!

PD: also check stuff about tempo in martial arts and how and why would you use such tempo, i could write an essay here if you push me enough, but lunch time is near.


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