Interaction with objects should be improved.


Right now the interaction with objects ain t quite stellar.

Things that could be though about and could make the experience more agreeable:
Just examples:
Carying an object:
A chair a plank...
Double click on it when your near it and it will displace with you double click again and it will be realeased.

Moving and object up down.
I don t know why the system is what it is now, engine limitation, temporary programing, but passing a chair a plank by an arch a door or positioning it agaisnt it is a PITA.

Allocate one key for up, one key for down.
If those aren t pressed it remain the level it is, doesn t have to get up each time it nears a wall. Placing object to block a door is really more painfull and counter intuitive than it should be.
Right now the interaction with objects ain t quite stellar.

Things that could be though about and could make the experience more agreeable:
Just examples:
Carying an object:
A chair a plank...
Double click on it when your near it and it will displace with you double click again and it will be realeased.

Moving and object up down.
I don t know why the system is what it is now, engine limitation, temporary programing, but passing a chair a plank by an arch a door or positioning it agaisnt it is a PITA.

Allocate one key for up, one key for down.
If those aren t pressed it remain the level it is, doesn t have to get up each time it nears a wall. Placing object to block a door is really more painfull and counter intuitive than it should be.
There certiantly are clipping problems, and yes, carrying items while moving will be implemented.

As for moving items up and down, I also think that will be soon implemented.


carrying objects, or maybe dragging them?

I don't know if the devs are planning on having most object-interaction happening with the mouse, or with the character physically moving them, or a combination. So maybe it's not fruitful to make assumptions. But I think either way that barricading a door Amnesia style would be really cool


Not sure what you mean by dbl clicking on an object, currently you must hold down a button to keep a hold of it. Just like when you actually grab something, you need to keep grip on it.

For moving through doorways and arches, simply rotate the camera.

As for manipulation of objects once you have them, I have never seen a system so precise, I can put the object into any position possible, there is no limitation.

There are going to be larger objects you simply cannot move. They are just too big.

Game is still being worked on, by no means finished so no way to say for sure what will and won't get tweaked.


Not sure what you mean by dbl clicking on an object, currently you must hold down a button to keep a hold of it. Just like when you actually grab something, you need to keep grip on it.
I mean being able to walk with it. So i don t have to toss it half a meter, do 2 steps toss it another half a meter...
Maybe i did miss something here.

For moving through doorways and arches, simply rotate the camera.
BINGO!!!! That what should be avoided, messing uselessly with camera, object, camera, again "wear down the enjoyability of the game". If possible, cut that messing with camera part.

As for manipulation of objects once you have them, I have never seen a system so precise, I can put the object into any position possible, there is no limitation.
What?, Such feature was on Skyrim, Oblivion always implemented by modders, i think it was also in some other games.
Ok it works, as long you are willing to mess with camera.
If tere was a "shift" button or something, as example :
Shift off = rotate
Shift on = move up down right left.
Walk on or back = move front or back.

There are going to be larger objects you simply cannot move. They are just too big.
Agree, that s why i never touched that point, althoug right now there are bizarre uneven interactions. You can t move a table, but if you bump it, it moves. I suppose those will be solved.

Game is still being worked on, by no means finished so no way to say for sure what will and won't get tweaked.
I know, but, if nobody says what could maybe could be improved, things will always remain without a chance of improovement.

Also while im there, adjusting a plank over a gap is a bit frustrating since each time you move the plank the system take it by its half lenght. Maybe if the system could understand that when we get and objet its by the point where we are clickit it. (laying hands on it)
But i don t know how hard this could be implemented without maybe bringing some mayhem to the system.


You can mvoe with an object while in combat mode.

Re: removing 'messing with the camera' part. Guess we will have to disagree. As it stands now I can put an object anywhere and any position I want. Can't get much more precise than that. WASD lets you rotate it on any axis.
What we need to the ability to drag or try and push heavier objects that we can't currently move, around like dead bodies.

Moving while carrying items would be nice, and It should be implemented, but key bindings..


You can mvoe with an object while in combat mode.

Re: removing 'messing with the camera' part. Guess we will have to disagree. As it stands now I can put an object anywhere and any position I want. Can't get much more precise than that. WASD lets you rotate it on any axis.
With too much positioning adjustement and camera adjustment. I also can. just doesn t feel optimal.
I just fired my Skyrim, and once you hold an objet, the objet keep "fixed" in comparation to your body, and you can rotate it exactly like here.
This would be an improvement compared to the system that is present here.

You can mvoe with an object while in combat mode.
Can you explain ?
unfortunatly i wasn t able to achieve anything similar to that.
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A suggestion for a character-hold/drag system

You drag to move objects with you mouse - like you currently do.

You can then hand the object from the mouse, to the character who reaches out and grabs it

Then you can press a button for the character to quickly drop it, or drag-select the item out of the character's hands

Same button that is used to "drop" objects from the hand mentioned earlier, can also be used to grab on to things (like crates, doors, corpses, tables, so on) by holding the button and aiming the hands to the object and releasing when you have the grip you want. press again to release

Idk, just thinking out loud


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