Hey folks,
nice to hear from you, actually I got better at the game, isn't that bad. And well I guess you're right, I need a life. Hope you enjoy your's although I wouldn't like to be stuck in there. Maybe we're all too anxious, retarded and ugly to be stuck in this relentless abomination of this undead life. Actually I am battling to get past that, but sometimes I am just pulled baack into this world, or for me, mire to be drowned with people unable to rip a good joke, be fun or have a taste for quality. Maybe it is just me, that tries to transition to a rolemodel, currently stuck in a suburban mum mode, but dreams should at least tried to be acquired, isn't it?
So I had to do a lot of research on those folks, being the humans we dreamt of, and guess what, they aren't extinct, they still live. Yet sparsely distributed among society and surely beyond our and sadly my reach right now, they sometimes dare to step into the daylight whereas I am taking some of the steps, to get out of this real time dungeon we were all so proud to be a part of and am going to tackle the ideal of becoming such a wonderful specimen.
Excuse me, this me and we confusion, I have to generalize as I must not tolerate, because, that might be in my way to step further. And sadly tolerance isn't a trait I was gifted as choice to develop, as making a change for me is bound to have no other choice left and so I must not consider other ways of life I sadly tend to be sucked in as I have to look into everyone's soul around me and watch them as they are than rather ignore their existence in boastful egoism, which compared to my egocentrical manner might be the lesser evil.
It actually was just an experiment. Getting rid of all my character to watch the sociopsychological construction of men as they are but a being induced with culture and information, oftentimes void the ideals what we should worship as society, the highest of our cultral achievement. Yet this society continues to expell itself, creating the subcultures it is left alone with. like a breed in a petridish only concerned about their sole survival, as we should praise being human as the highest existance we shouldn't degrade to tin idols, when we are but a descendant of god.
So what is it then? worship the human as he also is god? Or remind him that being god comes with liabilities that reach further than to solely pay taxes.
Current Life shouldn't be a new babylonian, it should strife for heaven and not just imagine or create it in a world apart from the real one.
I am deeply sorry for my incapabilities in treating you the way you should be treated, but you are a god sleeping, thus, sadly, with a conscience hopefully retarded, and hopefully not dead.