Recently I started to notice certain pattern in random insider avatar on forums. While scattered all around the forums they are invisible, they never are seen in the same thread together, but look what happens when I put them together:
There is a certain theme here, but you could just say they do it as a joke...well you could if you are just a regular ignorant internet user. Let me tell you I've been around long enough to smell a conspiracy a mile away. Where is conspiracy always are them - ILLUMINATI.
Now Rob probably thought he is smart hiding behind his harmless avatar
Thought noone would think to zoom out. Ha! Not me! Not today!
Zooming out and
Now when we know there IS a conspiracy what might be their goal? Insiders use animal avatars, trained at NASA, sent to space, Illuminati...
Then it hit me! But I needed to be sure. Anyone watching CSI is familiar with what modern technology is capable of, fortunately technology has gone far enough that we can have it for a regular Joe. It was simple, I just acquired a photo of the night sky and began to zoom in.
At this point a WARNING: proceed at your own risk, I have a cabin deep in Russian woods, where Im heading after posting this, but you might put yourself in danger.
Based on the research above I now see the whole picture

There is a certain theme here, but you could just say they do it as a joke...well you could if you are just a regular ignorant internet user. Let me tell you I've been around long enough to smell a conspiracy a mile away. Where is conspiracy always are them - ILLUMINATI.
Now Rob probably thought he is smart hiding behind his harmless avatar

Thought noone would think to zoom out. Ha! Not me! Not today!
Zooming out and

Now when we know there IS a conspiracy what might be their goal? Insiders use animal avatars, trained at NASA, sent to space, Illuminati...
Then it hit me! But I needed to be sure. Anyone watching CSI is familiar with what modern technology is capable of, fortunately technology has gone far enough that we can have it for a regular Joe. It was simple, I just acquired a photo of the night sky and began to zoom in.
At this point a WARNING: proceed at your own risk, I have a cabin deep in Russian woods, where Im heading after posting this, but you might put yourself in danger.
Just a photo of International Space Station
Zooming in
A bit more
Using the technology to refine the image
Look there is some movement there
Close up on that astronaut, removing solar panels
Enhancing reflection
Close up on that illuminator
Clearing image, zooming more!

Zooming in

A bit more

Using the technology to refine the image

Look there is some movement there

Close up on that astronaut, removing solar panels

Enhancing reflection

Close up on that illuminator

Clearing image, zooming more!

Based on the research above I now see the whole picture
Bare Mettle HAS playable sui generis alpha, they are fitting insiders into animal avatars and sending into space to hide the TRUTH. They are playing the game above our heads! PEOPLE MUST KNOW!! TELL EVERYONE!!!